Twenty Seven Enterprises

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The Twenty-Seven Enterprises are a collection of covert agencies operated by the government of Hergom as semi-autonomous organizations with devolved powers and private hierarchies. Their primary function is to manage foreign criminal enterprises for the benefit of Hergom, generating profit, creating secret foreign cash reserves, and facilitating the expansion of state influence and the operations of the H1ensderkos.

Despite their clandestine nature, these enterprises maintain fully commercial operations within Hergom and boast opulent headquarters in the financial district of Nekwehon. The enterprises are organized under the umbrella of administrative guilds, facilitating efficient management and coordination across different criminal activities and geographical areas. This structure ensures the sharing of support and resources among various agencies, optimizing their operational capabilities.

The scope of activities conducted by the Twenty-Seven Enterprises is vast and includes extortion, narcotic production and distribution, loan sharking, prostitution, arms smuggling, kidnapping, local mafias, gang activities, and informal slavery. These enterprises play a dual role by contributing to the state's coffers through illicit means while also serving as an extension of Hergom’s strategic and intelligence operations abroad.

Engaging in extortion allows the enterprises to exert control over key individuals and organizations, extracting resources and information beneficial to Hergom. Narcotic production and distribution provide significant financial gains and destabilize target regions, weakening potential adversaries. Loan sharking and prostitution generate steady revenue streams and create dependency among the exploited populations, furthering Hergom’s influence. The inclusion of prostitution in their operations underscores the ruthless exploitation of vulnerable individuals, turning human misery into a source of profit.

Human trafficking, including both labor and sex trafficking, is one of the most egregious activities carried out by the Twenty-Seven Enterprises. Victims are often kidnapped or lured under false pretenses, only to be sold into forced labor or sexual exploitation. These victims are subjected to horrific conditions, with their autonomy and dignity stripped away, serving as mere commodities to generate income for the enterprises. The use of human trafficking ensures a constant supply of labor and individuals for prostitution, contributing to the enterprises' bottom line while perpetuating immense human suffering.

Arms smuggling supports allied factions and destabilizes enemies, aligning with Hergom’s broader strategic goals. Kidnapping is used both as a means of coercion and as a source of ransom income, while local mafia and gang activities ensure control over key urban areas, facilitating other illicit operations and providing a network of loyal operatives.

The Twenty-Seven Enterprises, through their criminal activities, create a shadow economy that operates parallel to the legitimate state apparatus of Hergom. This shadow economy is crucial for funding covert operations and ensuring the financial independence of the H1ensderkos. The integration of these enterprises within the state's broader strategic framework highlights the extent to which Hergom leverages illicit activities to maintain its power and influence both domestically and internationally.

The presence of opulent headquarters in Nekwehon's financial district underscores the blurred lines between legitimate commerce and covert operations in Hergom. These headquarters serve not only as administrative centres but also as symbols of the power and reach of the Twenty-Seven Enterprises. The luxurious settings belie the illicit activities conducted under their aegis, showcasing the state's ability to mask its darker undertakings behind a façade of wealth and prosperity.

Administrative Guilds

The administrative guilds in Hergom are unique entities. These non-tribe-linked corporations operate as semi-autonomous government organizations, using entirely private business hierarchies and functioning without direct government interference. Their roles are diverse, spanning various sectors throughout Hergom. However, when it comes to the special Twenty-Seven Enterprises, three large administrative guilds stand out due to their immense economic prominence and significant influence.

These three corporations officially operate within Hergom and internationally as consultancy, accountancy, audit, and administrative service providers. They offer these legitimate services to many tribal conglomerates and some foreign clients. Despite their outward appearance of legitimate business operations, their core business revolves around managing a clandestine network of large criminal syndicates across Gotha. They skillfully utilize numerous proxies, intermediaries, and agents to expand their networks, investing in and profiting from their illicit activities.

The economic impact of these corporations is substantial. They are among the largest taxpayers to the Hergom government, contributing on a scale that essentially amounts to a direct wealth transfer to the state. The extent of their wealth is estimated at around 300 billion, a figure that significantly bolsters the state's finances. This enormous sum represents an obscure injection of wealth into Hergom, with much of the accounting remaining hidden and partly sequestered across the globe. Their financial contributions ensure the government’s financial stability and capacity to fund various strategic initiatives.

While these corporations present a façade of legitimate business operations, the reality is that they manage and control vast criminal enterprises. These enterprises are deeply entrenched in illicit activities such as narcotics production, human trafficking, arms smuggling, loan sharking, and other forms of organized crime. The sophistication of their operations makes it incredibly difficult for foreign governments and international organizations to trace and link these activities directly to the corporations.

Despite deep suspicions and the knowledge that these corporations are involved in illicit businesses, it remains challenging to definitively prove their connections to the dispersed criminal groups. The complexity of their operations, the use of multiple layers of intermediaries, and the constantly shifting nature of their linkages create an impenetrable web of deceit and concealment. This complexity ensures that any attempts to expose their true nature are met with formidable obstacles.

The corporations' involvement in high-profile crimes, such as assassinations, kidnappings, and campaigns of corruption and intimidation in foreign nations, is widely believed to be orchestrated by the criminal networks under their control. These activities serve to destabilize regions, exert influence, and protect their interests abroad. The ability to carry out such operations without direct links being established further highlights their strategic sophistication and operational secrecy.

Within Hergom, the existence of these criminal enterprises is an open secret. The general populace and many within the government are aware of the true nature of these corporations, yet their contributions to the state’s economy and their role in maintaining Hergom’s strategic advantage make them popular and prestigious. The opulent headquarters of these corporations in Nekwehon's financial district symbolize their immense power and influence. These buildings are not just administrative centers but also serve as a constant reminder of the corporations' reach.


The Wolgos, as a people, are deeply unpopular in many regions of the planet, even with their allied territories. They face significant prejudice, with places like Anaria being outright hostile. Some nations have even imposed travel bans on Hergom, making it difficult for the Wolgos to move freely. Physically, the Wolgos are extremely distinctive, making it nearly impossible for them to blend into foreign populaces. This notoriety forces them to rely on more neutral locations and regions with low governance and high plausible deniability to connect to their networks.

These strategic locations enable the Wolgos to use foreigners and proxies as agents in their networks, minimizing their own presence in areas of operation. For example, Ratna, with its dense forests, porous borders, and weakly governed neighbors, is frequently visited by foreigners who meet Wolgos in its opulent capital hotels and villas. This setting provides an ideal environment for clandestine activities, with the luxurious accommodations masking the darker dealings beneath.

Bule, with its extensive borders and connections to foreign computer networks, serves as another perfect staging ground. The large borders with developing nations facilitate fast and easy communication between Hergom and regions like Anaria, ensuring seamless coordination of their operations. The low governance and technological infrastructure of Bule make it an ideal hub for these covert activities.

Telepon, the home of the International Council of Nations (ICoN)), is another city known to be used by the Wolgos to coordinate their networks. The Hergom mission to ICoN employs a significant number of consultants who operate out of offices in Telepon. These consultants have increasingly sophisticated connections to local lawyers and consultancy firms, allowing the Wolgos to embed themselves within the legitimate business environment while coordinating their illicit activities.

The Raian Archipelago and the Gate of Light are also suspected staging areas for coordinating criminal networks. These locations offer strategic advantages due to their geographical features and political climates, making them ideal for the discreet operation of Wolgos enterprises.


Nókwtōksā (Night Eyes)

Nókwtōksā is integrally linked to various high-profile figures in the United New Kingdoms. It is heavily involved in the production of amphetamine-derived narcotics, opioids, and gun running across the northern and eastern coasts of Altaia. While primarily involving Wolgos, Nókwtōksā has a significant number of recruits from the local population. This organisation supports various nightclubs and clandestine establishments in the region, which also specialise in prostitution.

Vondrona (Shadow)

Trandafirul Negru (The Black Rose)

Singto Thong (Golden Lion)


La Main Noire (The Black Hand)

Las Serpientes Doradas (Golden Serpents)

Kapu Maku (Blood Gang)

Milŋiyanha (Forbidden tribe)


Ranŋkäär (Night Runners)

Ranŋkäär, known for running illegal mining operations across western and central Tzeraka. Human trafficking for labour in these mines and for road construction tools is another significant source of revenue. Ranŋkäär exploits vulnerable populations, forcing them into grueling and dangerous work environments.

Within urban areas, Ranŋkäär is notorious for loan sharking, intimidation, and aggressive debt collection practices. This organization also controls the distribution of alcohol and medicines to many towns and remote areas, extracting considerable revenue from these activities. By monopolizing essential supplies and leveraging their scarcity, Ranŋkäär ensures a steady stream of income and maintains control over these regions.

Arms smuggling supports allied factions and destabilizes enemies, aligning with Hergom’s broader strategic goals. Kidnapping is used both as a means of coercion and as a source of ransom income, while local mafia and gang activities ensure control over key urban areas.

Kúiánpang (Shadow Ghost Gang)

Ödets Hand (Hand of Fate)

The alleged branch of the Twenty-Seven Enterprises in Vittmark is said to be called Ödets Hand. There is not much known about this underground criminal organisation, that hides its activities under the banner of more local and regional gangs, like biker gangs in Austland West Hagen. There are persistent rumors that the charitable Save The Wetlands Association functions as a more public front of the illegal activities.

Brahmanda Sangam (Cosmic Society)

The Wolgos

Wolgos Sub-species

Physiology topics: Wolgos Psyche - Wolgos Development From Birth to Adulthood - Death for the Wolgos - Wolgos Sexuality - Wolgos Masculinity - Wolgos Womanhood
Culture topics: Oere - Wolgos Cuisine - Wolgos Sports - Wolgos units of measurement - Wolgos calendar - Wolgos language - Wolgos Cultural norms and traditions - Wolgos literature - Wolgos Diaspora

Historic and current Nations of the Wolgos
Dhonowlgos The Bind Hergom ep swekorwos United New Kingdoms
~3000 CE - 7505 CE 7508 CE - 7603 CE 7608 CE - Present


History & Geography

History of Dhonowlgos: History of Dhonowlgos - Stained Era - Era of Rising Lilies
Dhonowlgos Geography: Dnkluwos Islands

Politics & Economy

Dhonowlgos Politics: Politics - Foreign Relations
Dhonowlgos Economy: Economy of Dhonowlgos

Society & Culture

Dhonowlgos Society: Monuments - Society - Brochs of Dhonowlgos
Dhonowlgos Culture: Cultures of Dhonowlgos - Eokoesr in Old Dhonowlgos

The Bind

History & Geography

History of The Bind: History - Geography - Military - Science - Brochs of The Bind
The Bind Geography: Geography

Politics & Economy

Politics of The Bind: Politics - Military - Administrative Divisions of the Bind
Economy of The Bind: Economy - Geography

Society & Culture

Society in The Bind: Brochs of The Bind - communication in The Bind - Demographics
Cultures of The Bind: Wolgos Culture in The Bind - Ak'lam culture in the Bind - Shriaav in the Bind Empire

Hergom ep swekorwos

History & Geography

History of Hergom: History of Hergom - Colonisation of Kupeya - First Coalition War - Second Coalition War
Urbanisation in Hergom: Cities and Urban centres: Nekwehon, Ombhrosdhom, Rūdhroskhom, Newos Chaed Praet, Newos Kalsulan, Kérsróm, Nbhreǵ-Skous, Newos Dhowkros, Nbhreǵ-Endas, Dhubhowelksteh2nos, H2stḗrtérm̥n
Geography of Hergom: Regions - Administrative Divisions - National parks - Mountains - Rivers and Lakes

Politics & Economy

Economy of Hergom: Economy
Companies and Resources: Companies of Hergom - Natural resources - Energy
Financial Systems: Currency - Banking - Twenty Seven Enterprises
Economy and Commerce: Living standards - Consumer goods and shopping - Bazaar Ports of Hergom - Transport in Hergom - Computing in Hergom
Politics of Hergom: Government of Hergom - Gweḱwōntiyo Hregwes - Heghnom Kawisoos - Hregwis Wl̥kwos - Wolgos Justice System - Others court - Human justice system - Other's law - Human Code - Hominid Rights in Hergom
Military and Defence: Military overview - Hlrike - H2egmegh2 - Army - Wodr̥h2ekmon - Navy - Dyeubherh2 - Airforce - Peh2ugneh3i Weg - Military Police - Nuclear Weapons - Coast Guard

Society & Culture

Ethnicity: Wolgos - Gahnam in Hergom - Chalam in Hergom - Uturans in Hergom - Sekwntos - Shriaav of Hergom
Society and Culture: Sports in Hergom - Science in Hergom - Healthcare in Hergom - Wolgos Cultural norms and traditions - Wolgos Cuisine and Cuisine in Hergom - Media in Hergom - Education in Hergom - Wolgos Tribes
Religion: Dlroch'veldr

United New Kingdoms

History & Geography

History of The United New Kingdoms: History
The United New Kingdoms Geography: Geography

Politics & Economy

Politics of The United New Kingdoms: Politics - Military
Economy of The: Economy - Geography

Society & Culture

Society and Culture in The United New Kingdoms: Wolgos Culture in the UNK - Demographics - Humans of the UNK
Culture of The United New Kingdom: Brochs of The United New Kingdoms - Culture of the United New Kingdoms