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Oere shrub being cultivated

Oere is a shrub native to the Dnkluwos Islands, highly prized by the Wolgos for its leaves which are chewed for recreational purposes. The leaves of the oere plant, when chewed, interact with the unique scopolaminoids produced by the Wolgos' oral bacteria to create a mild euphoric high. With prolonged and continuous chewing, this high can evolve into a numbing sensation and a sedative effect.

One of the most distinctive characteristics of oere use is its impact on saliva. The metabolites of oere react in such a way that they stain the saliva of users a deep blue-green colour. Prolonged use can result in the permanent staining of gums and the discoloration of teeth. This visual marker of oere use is a well-known feature among the Wolgos, making it a recognizable cultural practice.

For humans, chewing oere results in a very mild euphoria. However, when combined with Wolgos saliva, oere can act as a sedative and painkiller for humans, with potential hypnotic properties. This unique interaction underscores the biochemical differences between humans and Wolgos, and the specific ways in which substances affect them.

The taste of oere is notably bitter, which can be off-putting for some. To mitigate this, some Wolgos enhance the flavour by licking salt while chewing oere. Despite the bitterness, many Wolgos grow accustomed to the taste, embracing it as part of the oere chewing experience. The deep blue-green colour produced by chewing oere is not just a by-product but also a hallmark of its use, quickly manifesting as the leaves are chewed.

Oere has dependency-inducing qualities similar to those of tobacco. Regular users can develop a reliance on the euphoric and sedative effects of the plant, making it a habitual part of their daily lives. This dependency, coupled with the visual signs of use, makes oere a significant cultural and social element among the Wolgos.

The Wolgos

Wolgos Sub-species

Physiology topics: Wolgos Psyche - Wolgos Development From Birth to Adulthood - Death for the Wolgos - Wolgos Sexuality - Wolgos Masculinity - Wolgos Womanhood
Culture topics: Oere - Wolgos Cuisine - Wolgos Sports - Wolgos units of measurement - Wolgos calendar - Wolgos language - Wolgos Cultural norms and traditions - Wolgos literature - Wolgos Diaspora

Historic and current Nations of the Wolgos
Dhonowlgos The Bind Hergom ep swekorwos United New Kingdoms
~3000 CE - 7505 CE 7508 CE - 7603 CE 7608 CE - Present


History & Geography

History of Dhonowlgos: History of Dhonowlgos - Stained Era - Era of Rising Lilies
Dhonowlgos Geography: Dnkluwos Islands

Politics & Economy

Dhonowlgos Politics: Politics - Foreign Relations
Dhonowlgos Economy: Economy of Dhonowlgos

Society & Culture

Dhonowlgos Society: Monuments - Society - Brochs of Dhonowlgos
Dhonowlgos Culture: Cultures of Dhonowlgos - Eokoesr in Old Dhonowlgos

The Bind

History & Geography

History of The Bind: History - Geography - Military - Science - Brochs of The Bind
The Bind Geography: Geography

Politics & Economy

Politics of The Bind: Politics - Military - Administrative Divisions of the Bind
Economy of The Bind: Economy - Geography

Society & Culture

Society in The Bind: Brochs of The Bind - communication in The Bind - Demographics
Cultures of The Bind: Wolgos Culture in The Bind - Ak'lam culture in the Bind - Shriaav in the Bind Empire

Hergom ep swekorwos

History & Geography

History of Hergom: History of Hergom - Colonisation of Kupeya - First Coalition War - Second Coalition War
Urbanisation in Hergom: Cities and Urban centres: Nekwehon, Ombhrosdhom, Rūdhroskhom, Newos Chaed Praet, Newos Kalsulan, Kérsróm, Nbhreǵ-Skous, Newos Dhowkros, Nbhreǵ-Endas, Dhubhowelksteh2nos, H2stḗrtérm̥n
Geography of Hergom: Regions - Administrative Divisions - National parks - Mountains - Rivers and Lakes

Politics & Economy

Economy of Hergom: Economy
Companies and Resources: Companies of Hergom - Natural resources - Energy
Financial Systems: Currency - Banking - Twenty Seven Enterprises
Economy and Commerce: Living standards - Consumer goods and shopping - Bazaar Ports of Hergom - Transport in Hergom - Computing in Hergom
Politics of Hergom: Government of Hergom - Gweḱwōntiyo Hregwes - Heghnom Kawisoos - Hregwis Wl̥kwos - Wolgos Justice System - Others court - Human justice system - Other's law - Human Code - Hominid Rights in Hergom
Military and Defence: Military overview - Hlrike - H2egmegh2 - Army - Wodr̥h2ekmon - Navy - Dyeubherh2 - Airforce - Peh2ugneh3i Weg - Military Police - Nuclear Weapons - Coast Guard

Society & Culture

Ethnicity: Wolgos - Gahnam in Hergom - Chalam in Hergom - Uturans in Hergom - Sekwntos - Shriaav of Hergom
Society and Culture: Sports in Hergom - Science in Hergom - Healthcare in Hergom - Wolgos Cultural norms and traditions - Wolgos Cuisine and Cuisine in Hergom - Media in Hergom - Education in Hergom - Wolgos Tribes
Religion: Dlroch'veldr

United New Kingdoms

History & Geography

History of The United New Kingdoms: History
The United New Kingdoms Geography: Geography

Politics & Economy

Politics of The United New Kingdoms: Politics - Military
Economy of The: Economy - Geography

Society & Culture

Society and Culture in The United New Kingdoms: Wolgos Culture in the UNK - Demographics - Humans of the UNK
Culture of The United New Kingdom: Brochs of The United New Kingdoms - Culture of the United New Kingdoms