Unsafe at any speed

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Album cover of the Hallisian version of "Unsafe at any speed"
Album cover of the Hallisian version of Unsafe at any speed

Unsafe at any speed is the MEPA-12X TV-series soundtrack as released internationally. It contains 18 alt rock tracks from the TV-series, of which 12 were re-recorded in a language not spoken officially in Sokoku. It was released in 7690 at the same time the final episode of season 3 of the series was aired in Sokoku. As such, the album was used to promote the third season on foreign television stations by radio exposure. It was a relative hit in some nations either reaching top 10 positions in the category "film and tv music compilations", "hard rock" or "world music".

The album was released under different titles in different countries, all being translations of the opening track title. Even though the album wasn't a huge commercial success, it did sell rather well in countries like Anisora, Auresia, Becuvitatia, Hallis, Kamura, Livaria and Vittmark. Certain tracks were released as singles in those nations, which led to huge hits for Tenji Sa Reta's "Helreich" in Vittmark and Darga's "Masrah Surit" in Kamura. The album has however created a renewed interest in rock music from Sokoku and alt rock more general.


"Unsafe at any speed" inner sleeve design for the extended 12" vinyl release in Hallis language version.
"Unsafe at any speed" inner sleeve design for the extended 12" vinyl release in Hallis language version.

The cover art is a still from the series' first season (S1E10), an episode that also hosts track #5 of the album. The album title, which is different in the 12 language releases, is superimposed across the image with a different composition for each language. There are designs for versions in Kakuri, Aedelish and Stoldic (among others) but the album wasn't released in that form.

Most vinyl 12" versions and the double 10" version come in a gatefold sleeve also having a still from the first series. However, several 12" releases come in a single fold sleeve with only a simple song list on the back side. This version, released in nations like Atregona and Nestor, only have 12 songs.

A similar gatefold design was used for the CD release, but the small format of the booklet makes this panel almost impossible to read. Instead, a 24 page booklet with lyrics, translations, band picture and info as well as more info on the series was added separately. This booklet was also included in vinyl releases (double 10" and 12") at repressing.

Release variants

Standard CD release

# S Title Time Artist or band Hallisian translation Language
1 A ちだく あまん ぱだ けテぱたん べらぱ ぷん

(Tidak aman pada kecepatan berapa pun)

5:18 Kumis Unsafe at any speed Bahasa Sokoku
2 1
  Idiotul Idioten Idiot
2:52 Gatal-Gatal The idiot Becuvitatian, Bahaso, Wortsproke
3 1 Musica divina: Gota(しんそうきょく:ごた) 5:19 Shingeki Divine music: Gotha Auresian
4 1
  ぽラ ぴきる
(Pola pikir)
3:47 G:Putaran Mindsets Bahasa Sokoku
5 1
  ветры из империи
(Vetry iz imperii)
4:02 Gigitan Cinta Winds from the empire Arvorian
6 1
3:05 Bahijii Tides Wortsproke
7 2 しぬ じかん わない / No time to die
  Tidak ada waktu untuk mati
3:14 Koki Gila feat. Sakamoto Miho Kakuri, Hallisian
8 2
3.13 Cihiro & Hani Lightning Bahasa Sokoku
9 2
  (Masrah Surit)
2:33 Dar'ga Poser Kamuran
10 2
2:40 Semu-Sumu The savior Bahasa Sokoku
11 2
  З присмаком кров
(Ye prysmakom krovi)
2:40 Kode Sandi Flavour of blood Livarian
12 2
  Thaalaí bee hólooh
3:36 Kuruc Slaughter beach Tsidi Izto
13 3
  Ispilua urratua
3:22 Perpaduan Rasa Scratched mirror Atregonese
14 3
2:21 Tenji Sa Reta Stoldic
15 3
  めますき もで じつ
(Memasuki mode jitu)
2:56 Bunga itu dingin Enter the sharp mode Bahasa Sokoku
16 3 ο κλώνος του sindre (O klónos tou sindre) 4:39 MOZU Sindre's clone Parnethian
17 3
  Agerpan tena
2:19 Kekaisaran Keempat Dark manifestation Nestorian
18 3 Principa discordia 3:59 ERIS Principles of dischord Anisoran, Kamuran

Cassette release, extended 12" vinyl release

# S Title Time Artist or band Hallisian translation Language
A1 A ちだく あまん ぱだ けテぱたん べらぱ ぷん

(Tidak aman pada kecepatan berapa pun)

5:18 Kumis Unsafe at any speed Bahasa Sokoku
A2 1 Idiot, idiot, idiot 2:52 Gatal-Gatal Idiot walk Becuvitatian, Bahaso, Wortsproke
A3 1 Musica divina: Gota 5:19 Shingeki Divine music: Gotha Auresian
A4 1 ぽl ぴきる (Pola pikir) 3:47 G:Putaran Mindsets Bahasa Sokoku
A5 1 ветры из империи (Vetry iz imperii) 4:02 Gigitan Cinta Winds from the empire Arvorian
A6 1 Tidvatten 3:05 Bahijii Tides Wortsproke
A7 2 しぬ じかん わない / No time to die

(Shinu jikan wanai)

3:14 Koki Gila feat. Sakamoto Miho Kakuri, Hallisian
A8 2 ぺちる (Petir) 3.13 Cihiro & Hani Lightning Bahasa Sokoku
A9 2 (Masrah Surit) 2:33 Darga Poser Kamuran
B1 2 べるぷら-ぷら (Berpura-pura) 2:40 Semu-Sumu The savior Bahasa Sokoku
B2 2 З присмаком кров (Ye prysmakom krovi) 2:40 Kode Sandi Flavour of blood Livarian
B3 2 Thaalaí bee hólooh 3:36 Kuruc Slaughter beach Tsidi Izto
B4 3 Ispilua urratua 3:22 Perpaduan Rasa Scratched mirror Atregonese
B5 3 Helreich 2:21 Tenji Sa Reta Stoldic
B6 3 めますき もで じつ (Memasuki mode jitu) 2:56 Bunga itu dingin Enter the sharp mode Bahasa Sokoku
B7 3 ο κλώνος του sindre (O klónos tou sindre) 4:39 MOZU Sindre's clone Partnethian
B8 3 Agerpan tena 2:19 Kekaisaran Keempat Dark manifestation Nestorian
B9 3 Principa discordia 3:59 ERIS Principles of dischord Anisoran, Kamuran

Vinyl album 2x10" release

# S Title Time Artist or band Hallisian translation Language
A1 A ちだく あまん ぱだ けテぱたん べらぱ ぷん

(Tidak aman pada kecepatan berapa pun)

5:18 Kumis Unsafe at any speed Bahasa Sokoku
A2 1 Idiotul, idioten, idiot 2:52 Gatal-Gatal The idiot Becuvitatian, Bahaso, Wortsproke
A3 1 Musica divina: Gota 5:19 Shingeki Divine music: Gotha Auresian
A4 1 ぽl ぴきる (Pola pikir) 3:47 G:Putaran Mindsets Bahasa Sokoku
B1 2 しぬ じかん わない / No time to die

(Shinu jikan wanai)

3:14 Koki Gila feat. Sakamoto Miho Kakuri, Hallisian
B2 2 ぺちる (Petir) 3.13 Cihiro & Hani Lightning Bahasa Sokoku
B3 2 (Masrah Surit) 2:33 Darga Poser Kamuran
B4 2 べるぷら-ぷら (Berpura-pura) 2:40 Semu-Sumu The savior Bahasa Sokoku
B5 2 З присмаком кров (Ye prysmakom krovi) 2:40 Kode Sandi Flavour of blood Livarian
C1 3 Ispilua urratua 3:22 Perpaduan Rasa Scratched mirror Atregonese
C2 3 Helreich 2:32 Tenji Sa Reta Stoldic
C3 3 めますき もで じつ (Memasuki mode jitu) 2:56 Bunga itu dingin Enter the sharp mode Bahasa Sokoku
C4 3 ο κλώνος του sindre (O klónos tou sindre) 4:39 MOZU Sindre's clone Partnethian
C5 3 Agerpan tena 2:19 Kekaisaran Keempat Dark manifestation Nestorian
D1 1 Tidvatten 3:05 Bahijii Tides Wortsproke
D2 2 Thaalaí bee hólooh 3:36 Kuruc Slaughter beach Tsidi Izto
D3 1 ветры из империи (Vetry iz imperii) 4:02 Gigitan Cinta Winds from the empire Arvorian
D4 3 Principa discordia 3:59 ERIS Principles of dischord Anisoran, Kamuran

Limited length vinyl 12" release

Released in this format in countries like Becuvitatia, Anisora, Atregonia.

# S Title Time Artist or band Hallisian translation Language
A1 A ちだく あまん ぱだ けテぱたん べらぱ ぷん
(Tidak aman pada kecepatan berapa pun)
5:18 Kumis Unsafe at any speed Bahasa Sokoku
A2 1 Idiotul, idioten, idiot 2:52 Gatal-Gatal The idiot Becuvitatian, Bahaso, Wortsproke
A3 1 Musica divina: Gota - edit 3:59 Shingeki Divine music: Gotha Auresian
A4 1 ぽl ぴきる (Pola pikir) 3:47 G:Putaran Mindsets Bahasa Sokoku
A5 1 ветры из империи (Vetry iz imperii) 4:02 Gigitan Cinta Winds from the empire Arvorian
A6 2 しぬ じかん わない / No time to die
(Shinu jikan wanai)
3:14 Koki Gila feat. Sakamoto Miho Kakuri, Hallisian
B1 2 (Masrah Surit) 2:33 Dar'ga Poser Kamuran
B2 2 З присмаком кров (Ye prysmakom krovi) 2:40 Kode Sandi Flavour of blood Livarian
B3 3 Ispilua urratua 3:22 Perpaduan Rasa Scratched mirror Atregonese
B4 3 Helreich 2:32 Tenji Sa Reta Stoldic
B5 3 めますき もで じつ (Memasuki mode jitu) 3:21 Bunga itu dingin Enter the sharp mode Bahasa Sokoku
B6 3 Principa discordia 3:59 ERIS Principles of dischord Anisoran, Kamuran

Extended CD re-release

Thultannian release only.

# S Title Time Artist or band Hallisian translation Language
1 A ちだく あまん ぱだ けテぱたん べらぱ ぷん

(Tidak aman pada kecepatan berapa pun)

5:18 Kumis Unsafe at any speed Bahasa Sokoku
2 1 Idiot, idiot, idiot 2:52 Gatal-Gatal Idiot walk Becuvitatian, Bahaso, Wortsproke
3 1
2:21 San Rok'ni Dirty Bahasa Sokoku
4 1 Musica divina: Gota 5:19 Shingeki Divine music: Gotha Auresian
5 1 ぽl ぴきる (Pola pikir) 3:47 G:Putaran Mindsets Bahasa Sokoku
6 1
  チダク アダ ジャワバン
(Tidak ada jawaban)
3:00 Aki Arin 87 No answer Bahasa Sokoku
7 1 ветры из империи (Vetry iz imperii) 4:02 Gigitan Cinta Winds from the empire Arvorian
8 1 Tidvatten 3:05 Bahijii Tides Wortsproke
9 2 しぬ じかん わない / No time to die

(Shinu jikan wanai)

3:14 Koki Gila feat. Sakamoto Miho Kakuri, Hallisian
10 2 ぺちる (Petir) 3.13 Cihiro & Hani Lightning Bahasa Sokoku
11 2 (Masrah Surit) 2:33 Darga Poser Kamuran
12 2
  アンギン ビル
(Angin biru)
2:45 Mogas Blue wind Bahasa Sokoku
13 2 べるぷら-ぷら (Berpura-pura) 2:40 Semu-Sumu The savior Bahasa Sokoku
14 2 З присмаком кров (Ye prysmakom krovi) 2:40 Kode Sandi Flavour of blood Livarian
15 2
  ダレ デモナイ
(Dare demonai)
3:11 Samsara I'm nothing Kakuri
16 2 Thaalaí bee hólooh 3:36 Kuruc Slaughter beach Tsidi Izto
17 3 Ispilua urratua 3:22 Perpaduan Rasa Scratched mirror Atregonese
18 3 Helreich 2:21 Tenji Sa Reta Stoldic
19 3 めますき もで じつ (Memasuki mode jitu) 2:56 Bunga itu dingin Enter the sharp mode Bahasa Sokoku
20 3
  Tha thu ag ràdh
3:30 PIRO You say Ceolán
21 3 ο κλώνος του sindre (O klónos tou sindre) 4:39 MOZU Sindre's clone Partnethian
22 3 Agerpan tena 2:19 Kekaisaran Keempat Dark manifestation Nestorian
23 3 Principa discordia 3:59 ERIS Principles of dischord Anisoran, Kamuran

Single releases

In many countries, a single was released as well to support the album sales and generate radio exposure. In most cases, the B-side is the same song in the original language.

Country Track Artist Vinyl Cass. CD Charts
Aedeland Tidvatten Bahijii X X none
Alsair 1. No time to die
2. Tha thu ag ràdh
Koki Gila feat. Sakamoto Miho


Anisora 1. Musica divina: Gota
2. Principa discordia
Ardar Tha thu ag ràdh PIRO X X X 4
Arvor 1. ветры из империи
2. присмак крові
Gigitan Cinta
Kode Sandi
Atregona Ispilua urratua Perpaduan Rasa X X 8
Auresia 1: Principa discordia
2: Musica divina: Gota
Becuvitatia Idiotul, idioten, idiot Gatal-Gatal X 21
Cassia Tidvatten Bahijii none
Chaska Thaalaí bee hólooh Kuric X X
Cladania 1. No time to die
2. Tha thu ag ràdh
Koki Gila feat. Sakamoto Miho


Einhafan 1. No time to die
2. Tha thu ag ràdh
Koki Gila feat. Sakamoto Miho


Halland No time to die Koki Gila feat. Sakamoto Miho X X X 12
Kamura 1. Masrah Surit
2. Thaalaí bee hólooh




X 1


Koskiya З присмаком кров Kode Sandi X
Livaria З присмаком кров Kode Sandi X X X
Lucentia Tha thu ag ràdh PIRO X X X none
Nestor Agerpan tena Kekaisaran Keempat
Parnethia ο κλώνος του sindre MOZU X X 36
Saoirth 1. No time to die
2. Tha thu ag ràdh
Koki Gila feat. Sakamoto Miho


Sokoku 1.しぬ じかん わない
2. Dare demonai
Koki Gila feat. Sakamoto Miho




Tavonia 1. Musica divina: Gota
2. ο κλώνος του sindre
Vittmark 1. Tidvatten
2. Helreich
3. Idiotul, idioten, idiot
Tenji Sa Reta



The single Helreich by Tenji Sa Reta did not have the original language version as a B-side, since there only was this particular language version. Instead it came with a re-recorded version of Shinu jikan wanai, half Kakuri, half Bahaso, by the same band, a cover song from Koki Gila. Even Thaalaí bee hólooh by Kuric was only released in this language version originally, but has a B-side (or double AA-side) with a re-recorded version in Remana, which is not on the album.

Most songs were released as singles in Sokoku at the time of the broadcast of the original TV-series. Only these two songs were re-released in a different language version as a single. However, the international release has never been on sale in Sokoku itself, the single releases were only to highlight the international effort. Instead, Sokoku saw three releases, one for each season, with all 13 songs under the name "MEPA-12X lagu asli", "MEPA-12X lagu asli 2" and "MEPA-12X lagu asli 3".

Reception, reviews and awards

Vittmarker magazine ÖRON said of the soundtrack, "It is a hellride of dark rock with unexpected twists, not only because of the variety in languages, but it covers about every sub genre of alt rock. It is a showcase of the current state of the Sokokan heavy music scene, and it's thriving." Hallisian publication Entertain said "I can't vouch for the TV series, it seems like incomprehensible drab to me, but the album is a MUST. Enjoy some outstanding heavy rock tracks without having to watch the mess it came with." However, Anisoran contemporary TV journalists stated that "beside the excellent ERIS track it's a weird combination of obvious crowd pleasers (like Kodi Sandi and B.I.D.), soulless, fragmented noise (like Musica Divina: Gotha) and middle of the road tracks in an unattractive language (like the title track)". Kamuran's leading music publication XMR reviewed: "... there are some good tracks. There are some not so good. But it also boils down to anyone's taste in music. A half decent song in a genre you like will be appreciated more that an outstanding track in a subgenre you hate."

Darga reached a number 1 position in the sales charts in Kamura, establishing her name as an artist in this nation. Since the album release, she spends equally much time abroad, but her revenues are much larger there. In Kamura she can spend weeks in a row performing at medium size venues in the capital alone, through her own shows, supported by local acts but also as support artist for more established artists. Her mysterious stage persona is part of the attraction, but in reality she is this "mysterious" since she does not speak Kamuran at all.

In Vittmark, two of the singles released made it into the Top 10 of sales charts, where Tenji Sa Reta got help from their performance at the famous Musse i Parken festival in Månsta some months before. This was actually their second release in Vittmark after the four song tour EP.

PIRO's single was quite a hit in most Thultannian nations, but curiously enough this track does not appear on any of the more regular album versions. It was only included at a Thultannian release with 5 extra songs once a local distributor wanted to pick up the album after seeing the sales figures in Hallis.

A package tour with Dar'ga, Tenji Sa Reta, Kuruc and Perpaduan Rasa was organised in Kamura. Later on, a similar package tour with PIRO, Kodi Sandi, Tenji Sa Reta, Perpaduan Rasa and Koki Gila was arranged for Thultannia, Vittmark, Livaria and Atregonia. During this tour, local auditions were held for guest vocalists able to perform the foreign language better than the band itself. This side event generated quite some media attention and was received well by the audience who were able to meet the bands up and close off-stage.


  • The opening riff of Kumic "Tidak Aman..." is largely banned from playing at guitar stores in Sokoku, since the store clerks were driven to madness by the vast amount of aspiring guitar players butchering the opening sequence. On the other hand, there are guitarist competitions being held all across the country, where musicians try to play the riff not only faultless but also in the exact right tempo until where the vocals kick in. Kumi lead guitarist Mito once came only third in such a competition in Berewan, where he participated incognito.
  • Shingeki, MOZU och ERIS are all acts connected to the Guso religion, not the Federal Secretariat for Cultural Affairs which supports both the TV series as the development of musical artists through investment in companies and performers (education). All these acts are from smaller congregations, which has led to an increase of popularity of these congregations, not in the least for ERIS coming from a regional congregation on Tanah Ek island which suddenly was able to open branches in Berewan, Taumakan and Kyusigai.
  • Gatal-Gatal chose a band picture with all the members playing guitar, with some of the guitar cables going directly from one guitar to the other. The international version got an extra layer of irony, where only the part in Bahaso explains who the "idiot" in the song is. In the TV-series it is obvious it is the main character being recruited for the mission.
  • While Shingeki is a soul keeper band with four members, for this recording they used a drummer, keyboardist and three guest vocalists. During most live shows, they are using a backing track for this song.
  • G:Putaran was unable to write and record a new language version of their song, because of illness of one of the vocalists. A missed opportunity they regretted afterwards. "We would gladly have had the opportunity to record in some Thultannian language and play just one show there. I think we would have knocked them down... But we're glad we're on the album anyway! The production team could have picked three different songs instead."
  • Hani made use of a guest vocalist, the independent Guso soul keeper Cihiro, in order to add dynamics to the song. On the domestic version, only Hani is mentioned as performing band, which was a miss by the production team. So instead, they mentioned Cihiro first on the international release as some form of compensation.
  • Bahijii was utterly surprised that their single reached a chart position in Vittmark at all, even though it peaked as low as #41 and only charted for two weeks. "It's quite an extreme track, even for our type of music. Hats of to the promotional team over there, getting airplay for an obscure bunch of urban dwellers from Taumakan."
  • Koki Gila was unsure about their Hallisian language version, especially the pronunciation, which made them decide to engage a guest vocalist. This was Sakamoto Miho adding lyrics in the Kakuri language.
  • Semu Sumu's song for the series "Aku tidak akan mundur" was re-recorded with different lyrics, written by the songwriting team for Darga, since the band was unhappy with the quick job they had to do for the TV production.
  • Kode Sandi got the task of writing a "typical 7689 grunge rock song" from the TV producers because of the historical reference in the series, as well as the popularity of the genre at present. They quickly wrote what they themselves call a "generic 7689 grunge song", mocking themselves and the genre as a whole. It was recorded quickly during a soundcheck at a venue in Taumakan, during a live tour. The song was re-recorded completely in the studio for this compilation release, with the lyrics updated to 7690.
  • Tenji Sa Reta originally planned a ghost band song, since "Helreich" is not in their usual style. The song was only recorded in Stoldic. There was a bit of a controversy regarding the spoken word part, which was performed by an unsanctioned artist.
  • Piro's track was produced later, when the Hallisian album release proved to sell well. The Einhafan record label REXT wanted to release it domestically on CD only, upon which the Sokokan production team proposed filling the entire 76 minutes by adding 5 more tracks. Re-recording PIRO's song in Ceolán was a way to produce a radio track that could be used there. Recording the vocals for the track took two studio days, since the vocalists had to record several versions of half sentences because of the complicated pronunciation. The producer stated that there were more recordings used for the final mix than letters in the lyrics, which would mean over 500 takes to get the 32 lines of text recorded.