Tenji Sa Reta

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Official band picture of Tenji Sa Reta, from left to right Ando, Iodhann, Miko, Kumo and Aya.
Official band picture of Tenji Sa Reta, from left to right Ando, Iodhann, Miko, Kumo and Aya.

Tenji Sa Reta (てんじ さ れた) is a rock band from Kyusigai, Sokoku. The band is a cultural project supported by the Kakuri community in the state of Mirei, consisting of active master students in music. During their short history, the band has been able to start an international career, partially because of the inclusion of the song Helreich in the popular TV-series MEPA-12X.

Even though the band has four core members, it is part of the band's set-up to include guest musicians and guest vocalists in order to create a wider variety in musical styles and instrumentation. Even though the band labels itself as punk rock, its musical style can be labelled more like hard rock or metal pop. Despite being a guitar rock band, they frequently use synthesizers and samplers to create their soundscapes. The band mainly uses the Kakuri language in their songs, which is a small minority language within Sokoku. In order to reach out to a wider audience, so called courtesy Bahaso is used in the lyrics as well. Curiously enough, the band's most successful song so far is a duet with a guest male vocalist completely in Stoldic.


The band formed in 7690, when vocalist Matsunoki Aya (b. 7665) and bass player Nagare Miko (b. 7667) were added to the existing Kakuri musical project. Miko joined a couple of months before Aya, already in 7689. Drummer Taki Ando (b. 7660) and guitarist Atarashi Kumo (b. 7670) were also members of the predecessor band Akai Ten.

After playing gigs mostly in local establishments in Kyusigai, the band gets a fluke opportunity to accompany a Sokokan delegation registering Exemplar Mirei at a Mellanhand Orkanan registry in Herrkulla, Vittmark. In total they perform at four concerts, ending the mini tour at the prestigious Musse i Parken festival in Månsta. It results in some media attention and CD sales, but also more attention domestically.

Back home, both released singles did not chart in the Sokokan sales Top 50, but they still get a chance to provide a song for the popular TV-series MEPA-12X. The band does an all-or-nothing approach, producing a bombastic songs with sampled bass synths and double guitar, as well as lyrics completely in Stoldic. While the track was meant as an incognito contribution under a fake band name, the Kakuri leadership urges them to do it under their own name. The single version of the song Helreich, released on the same day as when the episode aired, miraculously makes it into the Top 10. The track is also included on the internationally released compilation Unsafe at any speed in 15 countries and released as a single in Vittmark, where it reaches #2 in the sales charts.

The debut album, which was released shortly before but hardly got noticed at first, received an upswing in sales, creating the right circumstances for a first tour across the country with 27 concerts in all the nine states.

Helreich controversy

It was only after the track peaked that it was revealed that the unlisted guest vocalist was no other than Sokokan MP Sven Tömse (Suen Tumse), who was the only person available at the Hotel Exemplar Mirei to deliver the spoken word parts in Stoldic with a fittingly dark bariton voice during the recording of a demo version. Accidentally this demo version was used in the episode. All of this caused some controversy, since Tömse was not registered as a performing artist, which is a requirement to be part of a production that is (partially) sponsored by the Cultural Secretariat. An inquiry was started by the secretariat's arbitrator, but apart from a mistake in the production of the TV series and the non-inclusion of one of the contributors, no obvious breach of secretariat protocol could be proved. Tömse received permission afterwards and started a private fund for supporting registered artists, to which the secretariat contributes.


  • Matsunoki Aya (vocals, second guitar)
  • Atarashi Kumo (guitar)
  • Nagare Miko (bass, backing vocals)
  • Taki Ando (drums, keyboards, synthesizer, sampler, backing vocals)

The band's production manager Iodhann Åberg is sometimes seen as fifth band member, since his role in managing keyboards, second guitar, backing track and sound engineer is seen as pivotal for the band. He is even appearing on stage on many occasions. He is however a member of the Nubugaru community, so not a Kakuri, which means he is not allowed to contribute to the artistic concept or songwriting.

Even the stage sound engineer Ogawa Ryou and VJ Arakawa Rin are listed as support members due to their importance for the band's concept.

Beside that, the band even invites guest members for shorter or longer co-operations, like guitarist Yoritaka Hiromi, vocalists Motozawa Tsubasa, Ota Yuu, AKEBI and Hamamoto Rin and sound producers Iwayanagi Hajime and Iwasaki Takemi. More unexpected contributors or performers include the Mirei state MP's Satou Kotomi and Sven Tömse (the latter being guest vocalist on Helreich) and Guso leader Murasaki Yu.


Cover art of the Vittmarker single of "Helreich" by Tenji Sa Reta
Cover art of the Vittmarker single of Helreich by Tenji Sa Reta

Despite being active for less than a year, the band has an impressive discography. They started releasing two singles, after which an EP CD with all the four tracks was made for sales and promotion during their mini tour of Vittmark. That CD sold out, but was reprinted recently. The singles' b-sides were included on two domestic compilation albums.

While recording a full length, the opportunity arose to contribute a song to the MEPA-12X TV-series. That song did not make the debut album, since it was originally intended to be a ghost band release. The first full length album, named "Fight for freedom" has 12 tracks, of which many sub 3-minute short punk rock songs. The CD version includes 15 tracks. Of the 10 newly recorded tracks, about half were originally written for vocalist Aya's previous band.


  • "ぶれいこ" (Jiyūna tori)
  • "もっと ひょじ!" (Jiyūna tori)
  • "へルれいく" (Jiyūna tori)
  • "Helreich (へルれいく)" (Skiv FF) - released only in Vittmark


  • "st" (not on label) - 4 track CD sold only during a Vittmark tour with the first two single and their b-sides.


Tracks on compilations

  • "つき お こえて" on "Precious metals" (SSS) - Sokokan band sampler for export
  • "わたしのじんせい お つかむ" on "Out with it" (Jiyūna tori)
  • "へルれいく" on "MEPA-12X OST 3" (SiDa Records)
  • Helreich (へルれいく) on "Unsafe at any speed" (15 different versions)