History of Nestor
The history of Nestor covers key events that occurred within the country of Nestor.
Pre-historic Era (0 - 3603 RH)
The island of Nester Mayor was inhabited by a people referred to as the Nestalics, though their true tribal name is lost due to the absence of written records. Initially nomadic hunters, the Nestalics were introduced to agriculture and mainland Anarian technologies, which gradually advanced their society. By 2278 RH, the first feudal kingdoms—Jung, Erapo, and Giondo—were recorded. The earliest continuous written records, dating to 3578 RH, mention additional kingdoms like Centil, Cultar, Radir, Ravnar, and Remonir.
In 3603 RH, a war erupted between the kingdoms of Erapo and Ravnar. The conflict culminated in the fall of Ravnar after the decisive battles of Eran and Savol (3612-3617 RH). King Alak of Ravnar resisted with brutal tactics, while King Garises III of Erapo ultimately prevailed, enslaving Ravnar's population and establishing a puppet regime under his son.
Lord History (3603 - 4139 RH)
In 3632 RH, traders from Anaria brought the Erecund religion to the Kingdom of Erapo, which was soon adopted by King Aron vil Era, transforming Erapo into the Erinic Empire. He aimed to unite all of Nestor under this new faith. This led to significant religious and political upheaval, including the founding of Astidil by refugees opposed to the Erecund faith in 3672 RH, and the creation of the Muncor Alliance by the Munc tribes to resist the Cultaric Empire's invasions in 3763 RH.
The Erinic Empire’s aggressive expansion continued, with its invasion of Remonir in 3753 RH, forcing the kingdom to convert to Erecund. In 3769 RH, the Erinic Empire conquered Giondo, a kingdom that also converted, though its populace faced religious repression. The Erinic Empire declared war on the Cultaric Empire and the Muncs in 3773 RH, leading to the fall of the Muncor Alliance and the forced conversion of its people by 3794 RH.
In subsequent years, the Erinic Empire expanded its influence further by conquering Centil in 3851 RH and exerting control over the Kingdom of Gragin. The Erinic Empire’s religious elite, dissatisfied with the Kingdom of Jung’s lax conversions, led an invasion in 3854 RH. This resulted in widespread purges and reforms aimed at maintaining stability across the empire. By 4033 RH, the suppression of religious diversity eased, and in 4098 RH, the Erinic Empire transitioned to a lord-based democracy, which further stabilized the realm.
Erinic Era (4239 - 5351 RH)
The Erinic Empire stabilized after centuries of turmoil, thanks to decentralization efforts that gave lords more autonomy, beginning with Baragozo IV of Giondo in 4139 RH. By 4216 RH, the empire was divided into 130 herdoms, including the elusive Heranica, hidden within the eroding Hivic Mountains. Expansion efforts continued, with Nester Minor and Spal Island annexed by 4233 RH, marking the start of the Erinic Golden Age (4219–4823 RH). This era saw prosperity until a devastating plague in 4824 RH, which decimated the population and triggered a crisis of faith.
Religious discontent grew, culminating in demands for religious freedom by 4829 RH, influenced by new religions from Anaria. Despite attempts to suppress these movements, the empire overreached when it engaged in costly religious wars alongside other Erecund nations (5001–5264 RH). Anarian forces eventually landed on Nestor Mayor in 5269 RH, further destabilizing the empire. In 5329 RH, the first lord defected, and by 5351 RH, all lords had abandoned the Erinic Empire. Although they remained faithful to the Erecund religion, the collapse of royal authority marked the end of the Erinic Empire, shaping Nestor's future trajectory.
Medieval Era (5351 - 7405 RH)
Following the fall of the Erinic Empire in 5351 RH, the island fragmented into nearly 500 regions, each ruled by a lord or religious leader. Power struggles ensued, and by 5354 RH, only 150 lords remained, each wielding roughly equal influence. Despite constant warfare and harsh societal norms, the population remained stable due to high birth rates and a rigid warrior culture that favored strong soldiers.
By 6691 RH, the lord of Giondo proposed a federated monarchy to unite the island and end the constant infighting. This idea was realized in 6809 RH when the Nestal Alliance, led by Bulgunzo I, reformed into the Nestoric Herdom. Under Bulgunzo I’s leadership, military reforms reduced death rates, and a less brutal warrior culture emerged. The Nestoric Herdom gradually expanded its influence over key regions by 7405 RH, facing its primary rival, the Domain of Narrac. At this point, only 15 herdoms remained on Nester Mayor, 3 on Nester Minor, and a separate nation formed on Spal Island.
Renaissance Era (7405 - 7471 RH)
With the dominance of the Nestoric Herdom, Nester Mayor experienced its first period of peace in centuries, allowing for necessary reforms. The industrial revolution began in 7443 RH in Ricar, in Rinnar, transforming the city into the industrial hub of the Herdom. By 7471 RH, economist Xar Mulca introduced the Land Value Tax System, which restructured the Nestorian tax system to be fairer, though lords retained significant tax-free lands. These developments laid the groundwork for future economic and social progress across the island.
Pan-Anarian War Era (7496 - 7552 RH)
The Pan-Anarian War Era began in 7496 RH with Wolgos raids on the Legar coast. By 7498 RH, they had established a foothold on Nester Mayor, prompting the formation of the United Herdom Alliance to protect the island. Despite initial setbacks, including the invasion of Tricor, the alliance's improved military strategies allowed them to expel the Wolgos by 7502 RH. Although the conflict was bloody, the Nestorians did not harbor deep animosity toward the Wolgos, viewing the invasion as a harsh lesson.
From 7502 to 7520 RH, the Nestorian nations focused on recovery and modernization, anticipating future threats. These fears materialized with the emergence of Häverism in Helreich. In 7521 RH, Häverists launched an invasion of Nester Mayor, quickly gaining ground. Although Ricar's factories initially supplied the Nestorian war effort, the destruction of Ricar’s industrial sector in 7525 RH crippled the economy, leading to the fall of the United Herdom Alliance by 7526 RH. The region came under the management of the Häverist-aligned Commonhold of Nestor.
Stoldish People in Nestor
The Häverists exploited the historical presence of Stoldish settlers in Nestor as a wargoal for their invasion. These settlers, who had originally migrated to the state of Nider from Stoldavia in the 7400s, a part of the Helreich cultural sphere, had peacefully integrated into Nestorian society over generations. By the time of the Häverist invasion, most Stoldish-descended people identified more with Nestor than with the distant Helreich. However, the Häverists claimed they were acting to "liberate" these Stoldish communities from the "barbarism" of the Nestorian lords and to reunite them with their cultural homeland.
While some isolated Stoldish tribes in Nestor aligned with the Häverists, most saw themselves as Nestorian and opposed the occupation. Today, the state of Nider still hosts a significant Stoldish-descended population, creating a unique cultural bridge between Nestor and the Helreich. Small Stoldish-aligned tribes occasionally serve as informal intermediaries between the two nations, maintaining a complex relationship that originated during this period.
"Barbaric Lords" and Häverist Ideology
The Häverists also framed their invasion as a moral crusade to bring order and modernity to Nestor. During the Warring Lords period, much of Nestor was fragmented under the rule of feuding lords, many of whom employed brutal and conservative practices. The Häverists portrayed these lords as barbaric oppressors and claimed their mission was to "free the Nestorian people" from tyranny while spreading their ideology of structured governance and societal control.
This justification appealed to some Nestorians who resented the old feudal system, but the Häverists’ heavy-handed occupation methods quickly eroded any initial support. They dismantled the traditional systems of governance, replacing them with a top-down administration that enforced Häverist ideals. Many lords were purged to reduce the chance of rebellion. The removal of the lords, while eliminating many of the flaws of the old system, also stripped Nestorians of a core part of their national identity, leading to widespread dissatisfaction and pockets of anarchy in areas beyond Häverist control. These regions became hotbeds for resistance, as the Nestorian people fiercely resisted the occupation. These regions served as refuge for Nestorian people, often starting in the underground train networks of large cities. Mulcator harbored a large underground resistance with the Rith sector being locked out all the way until 7621 RH when they were found. During the Häverist control, Ricar was the capital and the industrial district was rebuild.
Resistance and Liberation
The Nestorian resistance took root in the form of underground networks and guerrilla tactics, harassing Häverist forces and undermining their control. By 7530 RH, international support, particularly from Livaria, enabled the formation of organized rebel groups like the Sularic Rebels and Muncor Rebels. These groups, equipped with smuggled weapons and supplies, prolonged the resistance and steadily reduced Häverist influence.
In 7537 RH, the rebels captured the Garion Robotikindustrie, rebranding it Garion Robotic Induxars under Felix Garion, a supporter of the Nestorian rebellion. By 7539 RH, the rebels had reclaimed vast territories, forcing the Häverists to retreat. In 7541 RH, the last Häverist forces left Nestor, restoring the island’s independence. The United Herdom Alliance, now reformed and more unified, allied with Livaria to continue the fight against Häverism. A great Häverist purge occurred in 7543 RH, eradicating all remnants of Häverist influence.
Reconstruction and Birth of the Nestoric Herdom
Reconstruction began in 7545 RH with Livarian aid, focusing on rebuilding the Ricar industrial sector, which became a hub of modern industrialization. Taxes were heavily reduced, and the limited national budget was allocated primarily to the military, with some funds set aside for universal basic income. The king and remaining lords were restored to their traditional roles, and most of the king's power was reinstated. The government was restructured into the Royal Diplomatic Corps and the Royal Defense Corps, reflecting a blend of old and new systems. By 7548 RH, talks began about maintaining the United Herdom Alliance as a permanent nation. In 7550 RH, the Nestoric Herdom was officially formed, though some regions, including Nester Minor, Spal, and a few areas on Nester Mayor, remained independent. The Pan-Anarian War Era officially concluded in 7552 RH, marking the end of a transformative period in Nestorian history. The war, occupation, and subsequent reconstruction reshaped Nestor’s identity, leaving a legacy of resilience and unity in the face of adversity.
Pan-Anarian War Era (7496 - 7552 RH)
The Pan-Anarian War Era began in 7496 RH with Wolgos raids on the Legar coast. By 7498 RH, they had established a foothold on Nester Mayor, prompting the formation of the United Herdom Alliance to protect the island. Despite initial setbacks, including the invasion of Tricor, the alliance's improved military strategies allowed them to expel the Wolgos by 7502 RH. Although the conflict was bloody, the Nestorians did not harbor deep animosity toward the Wolgos, viewing the invasion as a harsh lesson.
From 7502 to 7520 RH, the Nestorian nations focused on recovery and modernization, anticipating future threats. These fears materialized with the emergence of Häverism in Helreich. In 7521 RH, Häverists launched an invasion of Nester Mayor, quickly gaining ground. Although Ricar's factories initially supplied the Nestorian war effort, the destruction of Ricar’s industrial sector in 7525 RH crippled the economy, leading to the fall of the United Herdom Alliance by 7526 RH. The region came under the management of the Häverist-aligned Commonhold of Nestor.
The Stoldish People in Nestor
The Häverists exploited the historical presence of Stoldish settlers in Nestor as a pretext for their invasion. These settlers, who had originally migrated to the Bay State of Nider from Stoldavia, a part of the Hellreich cultural sphere, had peacefully integrated into Nestorian society over generations. By the time of the Häverist invasion, most Stoldish-descended people identified more with Nestor than with the distant Hellreich. However, the Häverists claimed they were acting to "liberate" these Stoldish communities from the "barbarism" of the Nestorian lords and to reunite them with their cultural homeland.
While some isolated Stoldish tribes in Nestor aligned with the Häverists, most saw themselves as Nestorian and opposed the occupation. Today, the Bay State of Nider still hosts a significant Stoldish-descended population, creating a unique cultural bridge between Nestor and the Hellreich. Small Stoldish-aligned tribes occasionally serve as informal intermediaries between the two nations, maintaining a complex relationship that originated during this period.
The "Barbaric Lords" and Häverist Ideology
The Häverists also framed their invasion as a moral crusade to bring order and modernity to Nestor. During the Warring Lords period, much of Nestor was fragmented under the rule of feuding lords, many of whom employed brutal and regressive practices. The Häverists portrayed these lords as barbaric oppressors and claimed their mission was to "free the Nestorian people" from tyranny while spreading their ideology of structured governance and societal control.
This justification appealed to some Nestorians who resented the old feudal system, but the Häverists’ heavy-handed occupation methods quickly eroded any initial support. They dismantled the traditional systems of governance, replacing them with a top-down administration that enforced Häverist ideals. The removal of the lords, while eliminating many of the flaws of the old system, also stripped Nestorians of a core part of their national identity, leading to widespread dissatisfaction and pockets of anarchy in areas beyond Häverist control. These regions became hotbeds for resistance, as the Nestorian people fiercely resisted the occupation.
Resistance and Liberation
The Nestorian resistance took root in the form of underground networks and guerrilla tactics, harassing Häverist forces and undermining their control. By 7530 RH, international support, particularly from Livaria, enabled the formation of organized rebel groups like the Sularic Rebels and Muncor Rebels. These groups, equipped with smuggled weapons and supplies, prolonged the resistance and steadily reduced Häverist influence.
In 7537 RH, the rebels captured the Garion Robotikindustrie, rebranding it Garion Robotic Induxars under Felix Garion, a supporter of the Nestorian rebellion. By 7539 RH, the rebels had reclaimed vast territories, forcing the Häverists to retreat. In 7541 RH, the last Häverist forces left Nestor, restoring the island’s independence. The United Herdom Alliance, now reformed and more unified, allied with Livaria to continue the fight against Häverism. A great Häverist purge occurred in 7543 RH, eradicating all remnants of Häverist influence.
Reconstruction and the Birth of the Nestoric Herdom
Reconstruction began in 7545 RH with Livarian aid, focusing on rebuilding the Ricar industrial sector, which became a hub of modern industrialization. Taxes were heavily reduced, and the limited national budget was allocated primarily to the military, with some funds set aside for healthcare and education vouchers. The king and lords were restored to their traditional roles, and most of their power was reinstated. The government was restructured into the Royal District Corps and the Royal Defense Corps, reflecting a blend of old and new systems.
By 7548 RH, talks began about maintaining the United Herdom Alliance as a permanent nation. In 7550 RH, the Nestoric Herdom was officially formed, though some regions, including Nester Minor, Spal, and a few areas on Nester Mayor, remained independent.
The Pan-Anarian War Era officially concluded in 7552 RH, marking the end of a transformative period in Nestorian history. The war, occupation, and subsequent reconstruction reshaped Nestor’s identity, leaving a legacy of resilience and unity in the face of adversity.
Unification Era (7559 - 7585 RH)
In 7559 RH, the Loons and Drinors, the last independent nations on Nester Mayor, declared war. The conflict was brutal, marked by high casualties due to the use of advanced weaponry. By 7561 RH, both nations were pressured into peace talks by the growing power of the Nestoric Herdom. After extensive negotiations, the Loons and Drinors agreed to join the Herdom later that year.
From 7561 to 7567 RH, the Herdom began a broader unification process, negotiating with the nations of Spallar and Crontol, which officially joined in 7566 RH. This marked the end of isolationism for the Nestoric Herdom. For centuries, the isolation policy had limited foreign relations to prevent the influence of external religions. However, the recent wars demonstrated the necessity of engaging on the international stage. In 7567 RH, the Nestoric Herdom officially abandoned its isolationist stance, embracing diplomatic and economic interactions with the outside world.
Economic Era (7585 - 7664 RH)
The Wolgos Scourge began in 7585 RH, but the Nestoric Herdom remained neutral, instead focusing on weapon production for allied nations like Livaria. This war triggered rapid economic growth, with Garion Robotic Induxars (GRI) becoming the fastest-growing company in Nestor. While concerns about a GRI monopoly arose, they were largely dismissed.
To sustain the economic boom, Nestor invested in internal competition among its 13 states. After the Wolgos Scourge ended in 7603 RH, Nestor expanded its international trade, forming alliances and deals with nations like Cassia, Livaria, Arvor, and continuing its trade with Atregona. Between 7603 RH and 7659 RH, Nestor’s economy saw an unprecedented 592% growth.
Anibar civil war (7664 – 7676 RH)
- Main article: Rise of Orderism in Nestor
The Nestorian Conflict, a pivotal chapter in the history of Nestor, unfolded as Nestor, a conservative and militaristic island nation, faced internal turmoil amid growing influence from partially the Stolvic Orderist Commonwealth. This conflict, spanning from 7664 to 7676, marked a significant departure from Nestor's historically stable trajectory. The conflict started with disgrace of the nobility system of Nestor mainly in de upper house of Nestorian government. The current death toll has lead to 237 thousands deaths, missing or displaced. The current state of the civil war is stable and the unity south from the Hivik mountain range as been improved as a result of the war on the north of the Hivik mountain range.
7664: Tunir and Legar protests
In 7664, the people in Tunir at the time part of Kakluncor witnessed a large protest organized by locals from different background. The first protest were peacefull and the people stood united to get reforms started in the government. The anti-nobility movement who demanded a complete removal of the nobles in the government claiming the current system is corrupt and unjust. The anit-nobility organized a protest in Legar where they came into contact with the Imperial Nationalists who had the opposite view of the Anti-nobility claiming the nobility should get more power to restore stability in the nation. The two groups fought each other in the streets and the Nestorian military had to intervene siding mostly with the Imperials. The government's heavy-handed response, resulting in 41 casualties. In 7664 five groups were created each believing in a different system next to official Nestorian government.
Symbol | Party | Believes | Year | Strength | Casualtis (7690) | ||
Founded | Infantry | KIA | Missing | Civilian casualties | |||
Nestorian Imperial Party (NIP) | More power to the noble | 7664 - now | 38,000 | 5,200 | 1,200 | 477 | |
New Orderist Contract (NOC) | Refroms in the stratification system | 7664 - 7668 | 101,150 | 230 | 11 | 2 | |
Nestorian Orderist Rebellion (NOR) | Complete removal of the noblity | 7668 - now | 122,000 | 41,000 | 9,200 | 941 | |
New Orderist Party (NOP) | Stratified societal structure based on Technocracy | 7668 - 7674 | 57,300 | 11,000 | 3,220 | 1,192 | |
Nestorian Socialist Party (NSP) | More equality and progressive laws | 7668 - now | - | - | - | 17 | |
The Nestorian government | Return stability | - | 382,000 | 16,000 | 4,100 | 18,515 | |
Total | 575,300 | 73,200 | 17,720 | 21,515 |
7666: Unrest in the North
The north-western region, particularly Kakluncor and Tricor, experienced increased instability. The government deployed additional soldiers, triggering the emergence of three opposing factions—the peaceful New Orderist Party (NOP) advocating for new laws and the radical New Orderist Contract (NOC) and the Nestorian Imperial Party (NIP). The Stolvic Commonwealth supported the New Orderist Contract to destabilize Nestor and promote Orderism. The Nestorian government had the most trouble with the New Orderist Contract due to both the international influence and the attack against the nobel system that has been in place for centuries.
7667-7668: Escalation and Rebellion
GEDI conspiracy
Unbeknownst to many, the Genetics & Experimental Drugs Institute (GEDI), situated far from the conflict zones in the capital, played a clandestine role. GEDI, with its covert experiments and genetic manipulations, fueled suspicions and conspiracy theories. Whispers about GEDI's involvement in manipulating political leaders and exacerbating social unrest circulated among the factions in the north. Rumors have been going around that the GEDI wants to establish an Eugenic state in Nestor. The New Orderist Contract (NOC) used the conspiracy theories to justify its terroristic actions against the Nestorian government. The GEDI denied any accusations and they advocated for the complete removal of the New Orderist Contract (NOC).
Divide of the NOC
The New Orderist Contract (NOC) increasingly got more aggressive against the Nestorian government even resulting in suicide bombing. The commanding structure of the New Orderist Contract (NOC) slowly started to have increasing disagreements. In 7668, the New Orderist Contract (NOC) split into three parties, Nestorian Orderist Rebellion (NOR) advocating for the complete removal of the nobility and a restructure of the government using the GEDI conspiracy theories. But the New Orderist Party (NOP) advocated for a stratified societal structure based on technocracy instead. The Nestorian Socialist Party (NSP) wanted nothing to do with the aggressive actions of the New Orderist Party (NOP) and especially the Nestorian Orderist Rebellion (NOR). The Nestorian Socialist Party (NSP) focused their efforts to get more progressive laws in the government like a restructuring of the voting system.
Losing NIP
As clashes intensified between the NIP, the NOP and the NOR, the Nestorian Imperial Party found itself at a disadvantage against the growing strength of the New Orderist Contract factions. The NOC's rebellion, particularly the NOR, gained momentum, challenging the government's control in the region. Nestorian Imperial Party sought refuge in state-controlled facilities, facing difficulties in holding its ground.
7669-7675: Military conflict
The year 7669 marked the beginning of open hostilities, with the Nestorian Conflict escalating into a full-fledged military conflict. The once picturesque landscapes of Nestor's northern coast became battlegrounds, echoing with the sounds of gunfire and the cries of the disenchanted.
Early Battles and Frontlines
The conflict quickly spread across the region, with key battles taking place in strategic locations. The south of the Hivik mountain range, relatively stable at the conflict's start, soon saw military movements as the government aimed to secure its northern territories. The Nestorian military faced the challenge of dealing with multiple factions, each with distinct goals and ideologies.
The Nestorian Imperial Party (NIP), once a dominant force, found itself on the defensive against the strength of the Nestorian Orderist Rebellion and the New Orderist Party (NOP). The Nestorian Orderist Rebellion (NOR) adopted guerrilla warfare tactics, utilizing the rugged terrain of the north to their advantage. The Nestorian Socialist Party (NSP) took a cautious approach, attempting to avoid direct confrontation while pushing for progressive reforms in the background.
Foreign Involvement and Stolvic Support
The Stolvic Commonwealth, aiming to further destabilize Nestor and spread its influence, openly supported the New Orderist Rebellion. Stolvic military equipment were funneled into Nestor, giving the NOR and the NOP a significant advantage. The conflict took on an international dimension, with Nestor becoming a proxy battleground between the Stolvic Commonwealth and those who opposed their expansionist ideals simply against the ideas to destabilize the nation. The Nestorian Navy with the help from Livaria went on joined missions to sieze supplies heading into Nestor. The navy of the Stolvic Commonwealth and Nestorian Navy with the help from Livaria almost exchanged fire but the internation community made sure that didn't happen in the XXX accords of 7670.
NOR's Strategies and Territorial Gains
The Nestorian Orderist Rebellion (NOR), despite its internal divisions, proved formidable on the battlefield. NOR forces utilized hit-and-run tactics, seizing control of key territories in the north. The Hivik mountain range, once a natural barrier, became a contested zone as the rebels sought to expand their influence southward. In 7670 the NOR took over the Veclar military base, giving them a lot of military equipment. This was needed because the NOR could no longer rely on the Stolvic Commonwealth for supplies. Later in the conflict the NOR managed to commit terrorists attacks on below the Hivik mountains the biggest attacks are in between 7671 and 7674. The largest terrorist attack done by the NOR costed almost 1100 lives in Lioc.
NOP's Technocratic Vision
The New Orderist Party (NOP), advocating for a stratified societal structure based on technocracy, focused on capturing intellectual centers and technological facilities. This faction aimed to reshape Nestor's governance based on merit and technological advancement. Their clashes with government forces often revolved around control of research and education institutions.
NSP's Push for Progressive Reforms
The Nestorian Socialist Party (NSP), distancing itself from the more aggressive actions of the NOP and NOR, concentrated on diplomatic efforts and civil society engagement. The NSP sought international support for their vision of a more progressive Nestor, emphasizing social and economic reforms.
NIP's efforts
The Nestorian Imperial Party (NIP) fought hard against mostly the NOR suffering high casualties on both sides. The NIP was supplied by the Nestorian army and the NOR got suplies from the SOC and the Veclar military base. The NIP started as a party that wanted to increase the power of the nobiliy but during the conflict the party alligned themselves with the government fighting to holg the status quo. The NIP sought to destroy the NOR until there was not a single member left.
7675: Turning Tides
As the conflict entered its sixth year, Nestor found itself at a critical point. The Nestorian government, backed by the NIP and most international communities, managed to push back against the NOR in certain regions. However, the influence of the former NOC factions, fueled by Stolvic support, continued to pose a significant threat to the stability of Nestor. The war had taken a toll on the northern region of the nation, with the death toll rising to almost 80 thousand, infrastructure crumbling. The Nestorian government succesfully convinced the people that the Nestorian ideals were not in danger and the nation had survived a uncertain time. Even though the NOR still are doing terrorist actions, the nation is back to being stable and united. The NIP were seen as heroes with the government goften fast lands in the north to the NIP as repayment. The NIP got their own state known as Anibar which includes the Pencol Nature Reserve in control of the GEDI for their experimental drugs and attempt to a make an Eugenic community.