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Stoldavia is the northernmost Anarian main island, located between Thultannia and Jorveh.


Stoldavia as an island is most likely named after the former capital of the Orkanan Realm Skiöldavik. It is assumed that the capital's name representing the administration of an empire covering all of the island (and more) became more or less synonymical with the island's name. So even after the Orkanan Realm fell and the capital was demolished, the name kept in use indicating the island. Skiöldavik literally means "Bay of Shields", since the Realm capital was named after the bay upon which it was located.

The native languages spoken on the islands are called the Stoldavic language family, with a clear distinction between the northern and western Stoldavic languages on one side and the Stoldic languages in the south and east. Even today, the word Stoldic refers to the southeast, often coinciding with Helreich proper, while Stoldavic is used for the whole or the part excluding the Stoldic area.


The name Stoldavia is largely associated with the Orkanan Realm (5091RH - 5713RH) and the Greater Stoldavic Empire (6934-7204) and to a lesser extent the Union of Skara (6566-6934), the Stoldic Häverist Commonwealth and the Stoldic Orderist Commonwealth. The island played a pivotal part in world history and global culture, being the cradle of most branches of the Orkanan religion.

Today the island is administered by Aedeland in the west, Vittmark in the north, XX in the northeast, Helreich and Mörenburg as part of the Stoldavic Orderist Commonwealth in the southeast and XX in the south.