Diyin Tsidii
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Country | ![]() |
Capital | Dinl Chi |
Area | 97,044 km km2 |
Demonym | Tsidian |
Time zone | UTC-9 |
Diyin Tsidii is a member state of Sokoku and as such the successor state of the former Helreich and Häverist colony of Neusüdentor (lit. New South Gate) on the south coast of Altaia. Together with Nelyasyat and Ayatawantin on the opposite side, Sokoku controls the important Chalim Strait between the Stolvic Ocean and Julian Sea. The Bahaso name (with official status) is Garudah.
Name and ethymology
The name Diyin Tsidii can roughly be translated as "land of the holy bird". It refers to an old legend among the native people of the region, where the bird symbolises the free and individual spirit of the Izto people, as well as their bond to their ancestors. When Helreich's colonisers start expanding their colonies around Neusüdentor, the bird becomes the symbol of the native people's opposition forces.
In Bahaso, the state was originally called Pantai Utara, meaning "northern coast". In 76XX it was changed into Garudah, which is the Bahaso name for this mythological bird.
The people from Radhria island opposite the Chalim Strait have a long common history with the Izto people on the Altaian mainland, not free from conflicts because of colonisation efforts from both sides. There is hardly anything known about Izto nations predating the Anarian colonial times, but it is assumed that the eastern part of the present day state were connected to the Tsuki Integrality between the 6800's and 7118. Before that, the region was a part of Huilcasonco but few to none historical accounts from that era have survived.
In 71XX explorers from Helreich started building settlements on both sides of Chalim Straits in order to control the Julian Sea behind it from colonisation by other Anarian powers. Casellan explorers soon settled on the southern coast and step by step built the colony of Aspasia. Helreich responded by fortifying their largest settlement Neusüdentor (New South Gate) and building a colony around it. The region was mainly used for agricultural produce, at first to support the colonial town, but gradually more and more for export as well.
A new influx came after 7471, when war refugees from Stoldavia were evicted from their lands and a large part of them were moved to Altaian colonies. They introduced crops and agricultural methods that were devastating for the local population, but delivered export products like XX. Neusüdentor became a Helreich protectorate. To expand the highly profitable plantations, the Hellish needed more workers. The government sent military expeditions to take direct control of more areas. Instead of voluntary recruitment it became a matter of forced mobilisation. The government enforced new laws that required the tribes to furnish four weeks of labour per person annually and payment of a poll tax in cash, thereby forcing reluctant local inhabitants into the work force.
Matters became worse for the local population when "Total Häverism" was declared in 7491. Neusûdentor effectively became a Häverist holding. Planters continued protesting against Häverist forced labour policies vehemently. Especially during the Pan-Anarian War, when focus shifted towards coal mining, as well as ship building for the war effort, forced labour was applied more rigorously. The final opposition against Häverist rule was effectively crushed in the latter half of the 7550's, when Häverist forces were able to devote their attention completely to colonial rule.
But when Izto natives managed to liberate Shuuen from Häverist occupation in 76XX together with the Hueiwei majority and Fisks' settlers, a new generation of protesters emerged. They first targeted the retreated Häverist forces from former Schangtienrand, already demoralised but forced by their superiors to prepare a counter attack. It is generally considered that the sabotage in Neusüdentor highly contributed to the military success in Shuuen.
So when Shuuen became involved in liberating Shaaniaah, an Izto territory further to the east, rebel forces reached out to the new state of Sokoku. However, the large geographical dstance made it impossible for Sokoku to act immediately. It was only after XX (Kotonoh), Radhria Modica (Tanah Ek) and Aspasia (Nelyasyat) were decolonized, that Sokoku could deliver military support to the uprising in Neusüdentor. The fact that the colony had not converted to Orderism but had remained hardline Häverist meant that support from the commonwealth was lukewarm. After the Treaty of XX that ended the XX War with the Wolgos, the Stolvic Orderist Commonwealth had to withdraw any claims from Neusüdentor, after which the rebel forces with the help of Sokoku easily could take control and exile the remaining Hellish colonisers and Häverist forces to Morgenreich.
The state of Diyin Tsidii was declared in 76XX, the same year it was entered in the Federal Republic of Sokoku.
Landscape and nature
About 25% of the state population has foreign roots, ranging from remnants of Anarian colonisers to recent immigration from north of the border. Since recent immigrants often are closely related to the indigenous population, there is a large degree if mixing taking place. But even people with one parent originally having a foreign nationality are considered part of this group. Immigrants have settled all over the state, being employed in agriculture, industries and the service industry (often restaurants, hotels and maintenance) filling the lowest paid occupations.
There are a dozen or so mixed portal, industrial and services cities with 100,000 to 250,000 inhabitants, often with a mixed Izto and Radhrian population. The trans-state migration has led to a population influx that is much more different than the foreign immigrants. The state government promotes and stimulates the typical Tsidian culture and language as the dominant force in order not to get overwhelmed by Bahaso and Rhadrian culture. So all neighbourhoods are carefully managed, avoiding non-Tsidian majorities to establish themselves there. So in a lot of areas, the Hueiweian population is not allowed to move in anymore. All education is primarily bilingual with Iztomal being used in most subjects.
After the colonisers depleted the coal supplies, Diyin Tsidii reverted into a mainly agricultural region with some port towns. Supplying produce to the fast growing city of Taumakan on the opposite side of the strait became the main focus for the local economy. Food processing is taking place in inland cities as well as coastal towns. During the last decades, the smaller Tsidian cities have become popular places for high tech and service industries which can operate at some distance from Taumakan.