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Vass Kingdom
Vass Rijha
Flag Coat of arms
Motto: Knowledge is Power
Anthem: Upon the Saffron Throne
Locator map
File:VassKingdom Map.png
Capital city Kangir
Largest city Kangir
Official language Jajicj
Other languages Regional dialects, Ilis, Tragoni
Ethnic group Vassians, Ilistani, Tragoni
Religion Indigenous beliefs, Vassian Spiritualism
Demonym(s) Vassian
Government Type Noocratic monarchy
Re Kaloleck Soan
Regent of Kangir
Legislature Imperialis
Unification of the Simal Archipelago 3 March 6899 RH
Total km2
Water %
Density /km2
Economy type Mixed economy
GDP (total)
GDP per capita
Currency Sovereign_symbol.png (Sovereign (VSS))
Inequality index
Development index
Other information
Time zone +5
Driving side left
Calling code +71
Internet code .vs
Nation number 01

The Vass Kingdom is a sovereign nation located on the Simal Archipelago, off the eastern coast of central Anaria. It is an oligarchic noocracy, where the government is controlled by a small group of highly educated individuals who rule based on intellectual merit and expertise. The capital city is Kangir, which also functions as a national territory distinct from the four regencies and 16 prefectures that make up the nation’s administrative divisions.


The name Vass comes from an ancient dialect specific to the Simal Archipelago known as Jajicj, a language that has evolved from a fusion of ancient Ilistan and even older Byrizi languages. This linguistic blend reflects the complex and tumultuous history of the islands, which have served as a strategic location guarding the eastern edge of the Sea of Rese from the power and fury of the Stolvic Ocean.

The nation derives its name from Re Vass Samrayenth Kingharad, the first leader to unify the islands in 6899 RH (Gothan Epochs). His rule, lasting sixty years, marked the beginning of a unified state which would eventually evolve into the current form of governance. The kingdom reflects the nation's continued commitment to a structured form of governance under the rule of the re, emphasizing stability and enlightened leadership.


Main article: Vass History

Vass is a spiritual descendant of the Sinan civilization that existed on the islands around the year 0 HR, one of the first civilizations of Gotha.

The history of the Vass Kingdom is marked by periods of feudal rule, strategic unification, and a transition to a knowledge-based governance model. Originally a collection of competing island states, the region was unified under Re Vass Samrayenth Kingharad in the late 7th millennium RH. This unification allowed the islands to fend off external threats and internal strife, paving the way for a centralized governance structure.

In 7470 RH, the last traditional re, Re Rtonat Shaughid, initiated sweeping reforms that led to the abolition of the traditional feudal system and the establishment of a more centralized form of governance—referred to as the "Ascendancy" during the period of reform, but ultimately solidifying into a kingdom. These reforms promoted enlightenment ideals, focusing on education and governance by the most capable minds.

Government and Politics

The Vass Kingdom operates under a unique political system that blends elements of oligarchy and noocracy. The supreme leader, known as the re, wields absolute power, but governance is heavily influenced by a meritocratic elite drawn from three distinct classes:

  • Wards: The ruling nobility, including government officials and military officers, who are responsible for maintaining law, order, and governance.
  • Faculty: A class of scholars and intellectuals who contribute to policymaking, education, and research. Their expertise is highly valued in decision-making processes.
  • Citizens: The general populace, who are afforded certain rights and privileges but do not participate directly in governance unless they achieve a high level of intellectual or academic distinction.

The Imperialis serves as the legislative body, tasked with drafting and enacting laws based on the recommendations of the Faculty and the approval of the re.


The military of the Vass Kingdom is a professional force composed primarily of citizens and nobles from the Ward class. The armed forces are responsible for defending the nation’s territory and maintaining internal order. Military service is highly regarded and seen as a path to social advancement.

Foreign Relations

See also: Ex-Imperialis

The Vass Kingdom maintains an active foreign policy managed by the Ex-Imperialis, the government branch responsible for international relations. Although the nation is cautious in forming alliances, it engages in diplomacy to secure its interests and maintain stability in the region.

Administrative Divisions

Main article: Vass Administrative Divisions

The nation is divided into four regencies, each governed by a regent, and further subdivided into sixteen prefectures. Additionally, there are two national territories, including the capital city of Kangir, which operates with a degree of autonomy due to its status as the administrative and cultural heart of the kingdom.


The economy of the Vass Kingdom is mixed, combining elements of free-market capitalism with strategic state control over key industries such as education, research, and technology. The currency, known as the Vass Sovereign, reflects the nation’s stability and economic prosperity.

Society and Culture

Main article: Vass Society

Vassian society is characterized by a strong emphasis on intellectual achievement and cultural refinement. The Vassian people are known for their liberal attitudes, respect for authority, and high regard for scholarly pursuits. Education is heavily emphasized, and institutions of higher learning are highly respected.

Cultural life in the Vass Kingdom is rich with a blend of traditional practices and modern intellectualism. The nation celebrates various festivals and events that reflect its diverse history and commitment to knowledge.


The official language of the Vass Kingdom is Jajicj, a unique dialect that evolved from a mix of Ilistan and Byrizi influences. The language symbolizes the nation’s diverse heritage and is a crucial element of Vassian identity.