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The Ex-Imperialis is the Vassian diplomatic corps, composed entirely of female wards known as "substantive wards." It serves as the primary body responsible for the foreign diplomacy and international relations of the Vass Kingdom.


In 7470 Gothan Epochs RH, at the conclusion of the Second Empire War, Gerent Rtonat Shaughid recognized a critical flaw in the ongoing peace negotiations: the machismo and ego-driven behaviors of the male negotiators, both Vassian and foreign. These behaviors created impasses and hindered progress.

Acknowledging that these issues were more about personal honor and prestige rather than the actual conflict or agenda, Gerent Shaughid intervened directly. He called for a one-week recess, during which, with the help of senior faculty, he appointed the first female Emissary Imperialis, Lamiel Kalak. This unprecedented move marked a turning point.

When negotiations resumed, Emissary Kalak, along with her all-female diplomatic team, approached the negotiations with candor and a strong, yet pragmatic stance. They distinguished between the nation’s bargaining position and personal honor, leading to a swift and successful conclusion of the talks.

Impressed by the effectiveness of this approach, Gerent Shaughid issued a rare unilateral decree known as the Woman’s Emancipation Occupation Proclamation, which established an all-female diplomatic corps within the ascendancy. This decree also allowed women, for the first time, to attain the status and responsibilities of substantive wards. Before this, female wards in the ascendancy served only to provide educated and intellectually stimulating partners for male wards. Thus, on August 12, 7471, the modern Ex-Imperialis was created.

Structure and Titles

  • Emissary Imperialis: The highest-ranking position in the Ex-Imperialis, equivalent to a Minister of Foreign Affairs or Secretary of State in other nations. It is the second highest position a woman can achieve in the ascendancy, the highest being the Regent.
  • Envoy Ex-Imperialis: The title given to Vassian ambassadors. These envoys represent Vass in foreign nations and are crucial to maintaining and fostering international relations.
  • Legate: This title is given to all embassy and diplomatic staff below the rank of ambassador. Collectively, they are referred to as the "Legature."


The Ex-Imperialis Seal is a stylized compass face symbolizing the global interests of the corps. It features the Vassian script letters "P", "O", "V", and "A" across the top, standing for "Protection of the Vass Ascendancy." These letters confer diplomatic privileges and considerations, as mandated by the gerent and international customs. The bottom of the seal bears the letters "X" and "I," representing the Ex-Imperialis.


The Ex-Imperialis hierarchy illustrates the structured command relationship between various levels within the organization, ensuring efficient and effective diplomatic engagements.