Tonk Stillone
Personal details | |
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Honorific prefix | Prof. |
Birth name | Ton Stillone |
Birth date | 7650 |
Birth place | Ricar, Rinnar |
Monuments | Square of Giants |
Nationality | Nestorian |
Other names | Ton |
Education | RSFI, B.S. in Military combat |
Alma mater | R.I.A.S., Ph.D. in Military science |
Head of Military Mission control | |
Years active | 7673–present |
Employer | Valco Murcol, Minister of Defense |
Organization | State Military department |
Agent | Leo Nillos |
Known for | Military brilliancy (combat, strategy and logistics) |
Notable works | Humans in Warfare, Mind's limit, Military Cortex |
Style | Science |
Height | 6'2" (188 cm) |
Television | National Book Awards |
Title | General |
Predecessor | Edgar vil Rin |
Successor | Hyken Takler |
Criminal charges | Severe Mental Torture |
Criminal penalty | Exemption (self-inflicted harm) |
Criminal status | Nestorian immunity |
Mother | Mrs. Lia Takel |
Father | Mr. Kole Stillone |
Awards | 1x Immortal Military General Award, 21x Winstreaker Award, 8x Emperor Sniper Award, 8x Coldheaded Award, 588x Other rewards |
Footnotes | Has a perosnal guard (1891) and army (422) |
Tonk Stillone is the Head of Military Mission control of all the land forces of Nestor. He is also the head of the Counsil of Command (the counsil of the tribal armies). Tonk Stillone is a man at the current age of 40 and he joined the ministry of defense after his carreer as a soldier ended in 7676. From 7669 to 7676 Tonk Stillone was part of the Elition program where he served as the commander since 7671. After the Elition program ended after the Anibar civil war Tonk Stillone started his career in military science and he started writing books like Humans in Warfare and the Military Cortex. He studied Military science at Ricarian Institute of Advanced Studies (R.I.A.S). from 7674 to 7678 where Tonk Stillone was a problematic student by spending too much time reading and writing his book. After his book Humans in Warfare was published, R.I.A.S was extremely impressed and they offered him the degree 7678. The books Humans in Warfare and the Military Cortex caused him to be invited by ministry of defense to be the new primary adviser. In 7681 Tonk Stillone was promoted to Head of Military Mission control where he is working until the present. In 7684 Tonk Stillone wrote a book Mind's Limit which required an intense mental toll on him causing him to close to a mental break down. He considered retiring completely because he was afraid he lost his humanity. However, in the summer of 7684, Tonk Stillone crossed paths with an unknown 19-year-old girl who was in dire need of protection and a home. Tonk Stillone took the opportunity in order to restore his mind. In late summer of 7684, Tonk Stillone was invited to live in the Giondo Royal Palace's guest house by princess Anissa and his former colleague Redo Nakuson who started working as a royal guard. In 7689, Tonk and Alina married in the Giondo Royal Palace (age 39 and 24).
Tonk's First Days (age 0 - 4)
Tonk Stillone was born in 7650 RH in the city of Ricar, located in Rinnar. His parents, Kole Stillone and Lya Takal, welcomed him into the world with the unfortunate circumstance of a severe cognitive disorder known as Memodeficus, a condition characterized by memory impairment. Unlike most infants, Tonk Stillone was not able to form memories beyond basic functions such as walking and eating. Although his other cognitive abilities were intact, he was unable to retain information that was not within his immediate field of vision, resulting in a forgetfulness that persisted within a 10-second timeframe. As a result, Tonk Stillone required constant and intensive assistance from birth.
Tonk Stillone is the given name of the individual in question. The origin of the name "Tonk" is derived from the local name "Ton," with the addition of a "k" at the end, proposed by the father as a means to make the name stand out. The mother did not approve of this alteration, but it was ultimately implemented. In the Nestorian language, the name "Tonk" carries connotations of being hard, harsh, impenetrable, or brute. The last name of Stillone means Single steal or Smith. This means that Tonk Stillone name full meaning is Brutal single steal.
Early life (age 5 - 13)
At the age of five, it was discovered that Tonk Stillone's muscle memory functioned normally and in some instances, even exceeded typical expectations. At this age, he began participating in the sport of darts and demonstrated exceptional aptitude. The local dart club, of which he was a member, informed his parents of his talent. He continued to participate in the sport of darts until the age of nine, at which point he was introduced to the sport of archery for the first time.
He enjoyed archery even more then darts and he became very good archery as well. At the age of ten he competed in his first competition at the 30 meters range for children between six and twelve years old. A competition consists of ten rounds with three shots per round. The maximum you can achieve is to hit the cross perfectly in the middle. If you hit this part who get a cross or eleven points. Tonk Stillone scored 292 points which meant an average of 9.7 per shot. He also hit the cross twelve times and the ten pointer sixteen times but he hit the wrong target twice in a row at the start.
He competed in total of eleven competition between the age of ten and thirteen. He won all eleven competitions and he became the most famous disabled person in the nation and briefly of the the entire planet. However his disability stopped him to use his skill for any thing else then hitting targets.
Teenage life (age 13 - 17)
Shooting range
The military was getting interested in boy and proposed him to come to the Ricar training facility where they train the highest special forces of the nation. Tonks father was happy with the proposal but his mother was very much against it. Kole Stillone helped Tonk Stillone to get into the base without the blessing of his mother but the mother found out. Kole Stillone and Lya Takal got divorced because of this action of Kole Stillone. At the base Kole was no longer needed to help Tonk Stillone with his daily needs. He was requested to leave him behind but he was allowed to visit him once a month. At the age of thirteen Tonk Stillone shot his first gun and in the first week he again learned very quick. The base was very impressed by the skill of the boy and he was allowed to use the shooting range for as long as he pleased. He was placed under his guide Leo Nillos who has been his agent since the age of thirteen (he is currently 52 years old).
Tonk Stillone shot on the range between twelve and sixteen hours a day every day which meant he had by the time he turned sixteen over twelve thousand hours on the shooting range. When Tonk Stillone turned fifteen years old he came in contact with great scientist Genbo Catin who was a professional doctor and surgent. The military base saw how good Tonk Stillone was getting (hitting targets at 2000+ meters) and they wanted him to join the special forces program. Due to his brain problem he was not allowed to join the program which gave Genbo Catin an idea. He started researching Tonks brain to look if he can fix his brain somehow. After two years of research he found a solution but it required permission for Tonks parents. After some discussions they both agreed and Tonk Stillone got the surgery at the age of seventeen and eight months old. The surgery had a success rate of only 27% in normal conditions. Genbo Catin mentioned in an interview that the brain of Tonk Stillone is anything but normal so the success rate was a little higher. This surgery was the only chance Tonk Stillone had to get a normal life.
At the age of seventeen and eight months his surgery was preformed successfully at the Ricar special forces base. The first few days after his surgery he seemed to a normal man and he was soon to be tested if it worked. The brain scan revealed that his brain was even more abnormal then Genbo Catin had anticipated. Tonk Stillone was quickly diagnosed with ASD partially because he almost never spoke. But when he speaks everyone is quiet and listens to him. He also has problems with bright lights, certain textures and hyper fixations. When he got his brain was working properly he was fixated on military science and learned for many hours a day.
Elition program (age 17 - 26)
The whole reason he was given surgery is to see if he was a good candidate for the soon to be started Elition program. He was already a very good shot and learned military science at an alarming rate. He learned so much that health started to deteriorate. He slept to little, he ate too little and was locked in room sometimes a week straight. Some people on the base wanted to help with his severe hyper fixations and his upcoming health problems. The military base insisted the people not to interfere because if keeps going at this rate he knows more then the entire base combined. When Tonk Stillone turned eighteen his health began to deteriorate seriously fast. Even the military base needed to interfere because he could have died in a few weeks. When he was learning, the Elition program has started so he was invited in. He was the sniper and field commander of the Elition unit.
The Elition program was started to see how far you can push a man before you need use mechanical implants to see progress. The program started with two people Redo Nakuson and Brian Nakuson. One to find the physical limit and one to find the intelligence limit. With the introduction of Tonk Stillone, the program was enlarged in to five categories:
- Medium Soldier (Good at everything but not the best at any) under Redo Nakuson
- Homeland Commander (The best at outsmarting the enemy) under Brain Nakuson (Lasted for one year, Tonk took over)
- Sniper (The best possible sniper humanly possible) under Tonk Stillone (Commander since 7670 EP)
- Assassin (The best staying hidden and moving fast) under Harco Terason
- Tank (The strongest man for big guns and heavy blades) under Terrifian Terason
The Elition program lasted form 7669 RH until 7676 RH. The program was ended because the amount training needed to see an increase in performance was getting so large the program was no longer worth it and funding for the project was decreased because the Anibar civil war had ended. The Elitions did a total of 216 missions of with eight were done abroad, most missions were done in Anibar. The Elitions won 214 encounters and two draws. Tonk Stillone claimed that he lost one battle because during one victory eight other soldiers lost their lives under his command. He did clean up a terrorist uprising consisting of 1844 men with only 35 men without any support over a 2 week period. Under the command of Tonk Stillone during the six year period these were only soldiers who died.
During Tonk's deployment in the Anibar civil war (7673), the Elitions with a support unit were attacked and the two units were told to evacuate but a military base near their position was under heavy fire and needed to relocate or be eliminated. The two units keep the evacuation road open saving about 433 soldiers. However, three soldiers were and more were injured including Tonk Stillone who lost his left foot after protecting his fellow soldier from a grenade. Currently Tonk Stillone walks around with a metal left foot.
Counsel (age 26 - 29)
The tribal armies saw the great success of Tonk Stillone on the battlefield and after the program had ended they gave him a seat on the Counsil of Command in 7677. He was asked to listen and tell the commanders if they do something he considered unwise. At the debates Tonk Stillone stayed very quiet and often didn't say a word at all. He texted the general who had the most influence Yarco Elinco if he could write reports in text instead of verbally discussing it. Yarco Elinco approved and Tonk Stillone made a report for every discussion in which he gave his opinions and proposed solution to problems that were discussed. These reports were very valuable to the head of the counsil. The reports were very hard to go against and when put in practice it always had the effect that Tonk Stillone claimed it would have. Because of these written reports Tonk Stillone became the most important member of the counsel. These reports were also shared with the public in order to keep it open democracy. Even though Tonk Stillone technically had the same rank as any member on the Counsil of Command, the tribal commanders referred to him as the General. This is why is called the general even though he is not. In 7679 Tonk Stillone was given veto power within the counsel to give him the ability to stop any proposal he considered dangerous. Tonk Stillone is not a man who is looking for a lot of power, he just wants make the army of Nestor the strongest it can be. The position he is now with veto power is for him only and no one else. In 7681 EP Tonk Stillone has announced to reduce his working hours to spend time on this new job has the Head of Military Mission control. Tonk Stillone also started teaching a replaced commander who would represent him on the Counsil of Command. Somewhere in 7681 EP he was no longer a part of the generals counsel but instead his private institute will be in the same position he is now.
General's life now (age 32 - 40)
In the peek of his career in 7682, Tonk Stillone was working 15 hours a day everyday and after a two years, it started causing mental and physical problems. Because he won't live forever he wants to work on his successor even thou at the time he was only 32. He hired a team of four successful commanders and a commander to help him out. He taught these four new men in four specific areas. He essentially made his own Elition program but then for advisors for the Counsil of Command. The first few months after he recruited these four men he was even more overworked but eventually his workday got reduced substantially. He only wrote reports for the most critical situation and checked the work of this students. Now he teaches each member for 3 hours a day, checks their work another 4 hours a day and worked on his own for another 4 hours. His work day went for 15 hours to 11 hours a day. He also hired two more people to work for him.
Tonk Stillone Institute
- Main article: Tonk Stillone Institute
He hired a spokesperson who would give the unimportant speeches or helps him verbally discus in most situation. In verbal discussion for example when he is abroad he uses a notepad with his spokesperson helps him with. He is not completely non-verbal during discussions but he has trouble with getting to speak in heated debates. For important speeches or in discussions when he has something critical to say he does say it. At the Ricar or Giondo city's commander meetings he doesn't needs the spokesperson much. He has a lot of respect within Nestor and therefore he get more then enough room to speak. He speaking skill itself is very good but has immense trouble getting in debate especially with people who don't respect him or don't know him well enough.
He is popular as a lonely man who is unable to have friends what caused him to suffering from severe loneliness. But by accident he came in contact with a nineteen year old girl who had been in special coma for fourteen years (since the age of five). Eventually she has accompanied him every since due to her surprizing ability to read people (something Tonk Stillone cannot do at all). He "hired" her to help with his health, keeps him company and to counteract his scary presence (not by face but by previous action). The girl later turned out to be Alina vil Gon and she was attacked by the GEDI Cult who secretly was breeding people including Alina. Alina became a target and Tonk Stillone swore to protect her and take down the GEDI cult. In 7684 the Stardon Military base exploded as a result of the conflict between Tonk Stillone and the GEDI Cult. Soon after the explosion the GEDI Cult was destroyed and the GEDI leader was replaced by Gendo Catin. Between 7685 and today there have been seven assassination attempts on Tonk Stillone and four on Alina. In 7689 Tonk Stillone and Alina got married after being a relation for five years.
Commanders problems
Many people who don't know Tonk Stillone only see his reports or they saw him giving important speeches. They don't see the problems he is facing on a daily bases. As mentioned before he has dangerous hyper fixations, he is suffering from, overworking, mutism and he used to suffer severely from loneliness. He is frustrated from these shortcomings so he tries to become more normal but even this leads to problems. He trained his mind severely to gain ultimate self control but his hyper fixations kicked in causing him to go way to far, up to the point that he is seen as an self control freak. He tortured himself for weeks only to gain the ability to feel pain on command. He later admitted even thou he felt extremely powerful afterwards, he felt even less human. Nowadays he tries to get his social skills increased by talking to his partner which seemed to working way better.
Is Tonk Stillone a good commander?
Tonk Stillone has some problems which can be avoided with lot effort. On missions he gets mentally tired very quickly which means he can not go on mission for more than three weeks at a time. The question "is Tonk Stillone a good commander?" might seem a little irrelevant to ask to Tonk Stillone. He wins practically every single time and has almost never made a mistake in his career. But there is more to being a commander then sheer skill. Tonk Stillone as admitted that he make decision purely based on facts and science and not his gut feeling or emotion. In most situation this is a good thing but this means that most people seen him as a computer crunching numbers instead of human making the decisions.
The commander is both the most stable and the least "human" person known to man. He is very hard to manipulate or made emotional. Which makes him a very good leader but he also tortured himself purely to feel more in control. When he tortured himself the nation questioned his sanity and some people wanted him to removed from power. Tonk Stillone did not respond to the haters right away but a year later he had an interview where is said that he regrets going to extent that he did. "It was not my intention to induce terror among the masses by the fact that I did psychopathic act."