Nokumo Nobono

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Nokumo Nobono was the collective leadership of the Kakuri community from 7574 to 7606. This period correlates exactly with the status of the Kakuri community as a member state of Vittmark in the form of Kakuri Stift.


Nokumo Nobono, meaning "six legged spider" in Kakuri, was formed in 7570 by Kirisaki and Hana Ochi as a group for musical performances. The nature of Kakuri leadership is primarily meritocretical and cultural, where the ability to catch current affairs and issues in a way that appeal to the Kakuri people is the most important asset. Koyubi joined in 7571 and Sitchi Dai, a blade elder, in 7572. This core group remained active within the Nokumo Nobono during its entire existence.

Three more women were recruited, vocalist Yigu and the dancers Midori and Arisu, the latter soon replaced by Nenne. Yigu was an associated member, since she did not belong to the same blade as the others. It was in this constellation that Nokumo Nobono became leaders of the Kakuri people in 7574, succeeding a completely male group called Oto that had been in charge for 8 or 9 years. The new leadership continued one of Oto's features with all the members trying to acquire knowledge of one foreign language in order to be able to keep better track of developments around the Kakuri sphere. At the time, the Kakuri were surrounded by Fisks settlers (Wortsproke, Koyubi), the Chi minority (Chi, Kirisaki), Bowersland to the north (Hallish, Sitchi Dai) and Schangtienrand to the southeast (Stoldish, Midori). Other members focused on the scarce knowledge of Livarian (Hana Ochi), Anisoran (Nenne) and Auresian (Yigu).

But instead of using the language skills just to keep informed, Kirisaki proposed to reach out to the federal government of Vittmark directly in order to prevent the Fisks settlers from taking more of the Kakuri land and endanger Kakuri culture. First contact went through a servant girl working in Carlsby and after some months the federal government responded by sending Crown Princess Tovemor on an informal scout mission, since it was not very clear what was meant with the initial message.

Member state of Vittmark

Tovemor met Nokumo Nobono in Fisks in 7575 and invited a delegation for an audience with Queen Anna immediately after. The royal family of Vittmark developed personal relations with the Nokumo Nobono members. The crown princess even became a member of the Nokumo Nobono. This contributed to the proposal in 7878 to include the Kakuri people as a non-territorial entity into the federation. The proposal also led to international protests, since the inclusion of a native people on an equal basis did not fit with the colonial set-up of the time.

Several individual visits followed, where Kirisaki and Nenne registered Exemplar Gacha in Herrkulla and Grönkulla during two separate visits and Yigu followed along on as entourage on a state visit to Anisora. Even the crown princess, her sister Sanna av Blåkulla and the queen herself visited the Kakuri on several occasions. Nenne was however arrested in Aspasia in 7581 when the crown princess made a formal visit.

Nenne and Midori had left the Nokumo Nobono in 7579 and 7581 respectively, with Yui as their replacement at first. In 7585 Yigu also left and was replaced by Ana, a young performer from outside the blade. Ana started playing an important role in external communications, especially towards the Fisks population the Kakuri shared the island with.

It turned out later that Midori had moved to Schlung, capital of Schangtienrand, in order to assess the situation there. She played an important role in establishing contacts with rebel groups opposing Häverist colonisation, when Fisks and the Kakuri wanted to upset the nearby colony. She also performed duties as translator when a Fisks-Kakuri delegation including Kirisaki and Ana presented itself at the remote Dog Beach, starting to organise the uprising with the support of the Fisks merchant fleet. As such, the Nokumo Nobono played an important role in the decolonisation of Schangtienrand, the formation of Shuuen and ultimately the formation of Sokoku.


Nokumo Nobono ruled until 7606, a record long period of 32 years that still stands today. Since the Kakuri Stift was dismantled that same year, and with that the inclusion of the Kakuri people in Vittmark, this period coincides completely with the Vittmarker episode in Kakuri history.

Later it was revealed that Queen Anna's husband, Palne Kristersson, also was the father of Kirisaki's two daughters Eba and Mirei. Chika Mirei is seen as one of the fundamental founders of Sokoku as a nation state. As such, the role of Nokumo Nobono in historical events still can be seen in current geopolitics, being one of the most influential political entities of the region during recorded history