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217G (Arvorian: 217Г), also known by the nickname "The Buzzer" (Жужжалка), is a shortwave radio station based out of the Arvorian Democratic Republic transmitting on the frequency 4145 kHz. It broadcasts a short, monotonous buzz tone which repeats at a rate of approximately 21-34 tones per minute, 24 hours a day. Occasionally, the buzzer signal is interrupted and a voice transmission in Arvorian takes place. The station is allegedly reported to have started broadcasting in 7665 RH and is believed to be connected to the Armed Forces of Arvor (AFA).


The station transmits using AM with a suppressed lower sideband (USB modulation), but it has on occasion also used full double-sideband AM. The signal consists of a buzzing sound that lasts 1.2 seconds, pauses for 1–1.3 seconds, and repeats 21–34 times per minute.

Voice messages

Sometimes the buzzing sound is interrupted, and a voice message is broadcast. These messages are always given in Arvorian by a live voice and follow a fixed format, commonly referred to in various quarters as the "Tower code". A message in this format always consists of the following parts:

  • Callsigns, each of which is announced twice in the readout. A callsign always consists of four symbols, each symbol being either an Arvorian letter or a digit.
  • Five-digit ID groups (number of items usually follows the amount of callsigns).
  • Message blocks, each consisting of one code word and eight digits.

An example of a Monolith message sent on 217G with exactly one callsign, one ID group and one message block, which was transmitted in mid-7688 RH:

  • 217G 217G 34 511 GOLOSOK 80 17 81 54

Tower code messages can however contain any number of items from each part, such as these examples transmitted on in early and late 7685 RH, respectively:

  • 217G 217G 217O 217O DOTsU DOTsU MSZh7 MSZh7 02 189 44 871 71 132 13 155 27 420 VYMOKAN'Ye 18 97 35 87
  • 217G 217G 25 184 GOLOVChATYJ 31 10 33 40 VYeKShA 31 10 33 40

Location and function

The purpose of 217G has not been confirmed by any official source, and the Arvorian government has never acknowledged the station's existence. Over the years since it was first discovered, domestic radio enthusiasts have posited numerous theories as to its purpose. One such theory is that the purpose of the voice messages is to confirm that operators at receiving stations are alert. Another theory posits that the broadcast is constantly being listened to by military commissariats. Yet another theory suggests that it is connected to the PERIMETER (ПЕРИМЕТР) defence system and emits a “dead hand” code that will trigger a retaliatory response if the signal is ever interrupted as a result of an attack against Arvor. None of these theories have never been addressed by the Arvorian government.

The most likely purpose is that the voice messages are some sort of AFA military communications. The theory that 217G is a numbers station for the Commission for Security and Intelligence (KBR) is extremely unlikely due to the fact that messages occur at random, unpredictable times, while numbers stations use a fixed schedule which changes rarely.

The buzzing functions as a "channel marker" used to keep the frequency occupied, thereby making it unattractive for other potential users. The signature sound can be used for tuning to the signal on an old analogue receiver. The modulation is suitable to be detected by an electromechanical frequency detector, similar to a tuning fork. This can be used to activate the squelch on a receiver. Due to the varying emission properties on shortwave bands, using a level-based squelch is unreliable. This also allows a signal loss to be detected, causing an alarm to sound on the receiver.

The transmitter is said to be located just outside Povarovo, which is about halfway between Bogorodskoye and Taldom and 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) west of Cherenovsk. This location places it within the Capital Military District, which is under the authority of the district commander based at Joint Ground-Air Base Geleretsk. A secondary transmitter is said to be located outside of Krasnogorsk, near Dedovsk, about 6.9 kilometres (4.3 miles) northeast of Mount Yarokovo.

See also