Talk:Unsafe at any speed

From The World of Gotha
Revision as of 22:16, 9 February 2025 by Pepijnk01 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Time to spill he beans and explain where all the inspiration came from and which Easter eggs are hidden there. * Tidak aman pada kecepatan berapa pun (Unsafe at any speed) - When I imagined an opening for a dark sci-fi in space, I imagined a long, repetitive guitar riff as an intro. A riff that could be extended into eternity... Thing is, the Swedish band ''Mustasch'' had just the riff in a song called "Unsafe at any speed". Which I thought would be a great song title f...")
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Time to spill he beans and explain where all the inspiration came from and which Easter eggs are hidden there.

  • Tidak aman pada kecepatan berapa pun (Unsafe at any speed) - When I imagined an opening for a dark sci-fi in space, I imagined a long, repetitive guitar riff as an intro. A riff that could be extended into eternity... Thing is, the Swedish band Mustasch had just the riff in a song called "Unsafe at any speed". Which I thought would be a great song title for the opening tune of this particular TV series, since the inherit danger created by the written-off vehicle the crew is using for this trip. So... yoink!
  • Idiot, idiot, idiot - the main character signs up for the mission forced by circumstances, even worse than "reluctantly", so the line "the idiot gladly writes up her name on the chalkboard" seemed appropriate. Most of the lyrics are from a song by The Hives, translated three times and edited to get some sort of rhythm. Band pic is AI, more or less a joke with 5 guitarists but it fitted the sound, using such a joke.
  • Musica divina: Gota - Existing song by a group that just disbanded. I needed their randomness in music to define the chaos on board of the vessel early on in the series. I only adapted the title, but didn't fiddle with the song. Pretty sure that the average Gothan pop or rock fan would hate the track.
  • ぽl ぴきる (Pola pikir) - Borrowed the lyrics from a Gacharic Spin song, but had to cut out A LOT because of all the RW references. It got a catchy rhythm after translating it to Bahasa. When I translated it back, it had totally changed meaning...
  • ветры из империи (Winds from the empire) - Bombastic type of anthemic song which I personally don't really like, but it is so suitable for the series and album...
  • Tidvatten - One of the more extreme tracks of the album. Probably quite unlikely such a track would have been used IRL. Imagine that for the TV-series, only the final part would have been used. But I had to change the page's content, this one is unsuitable for single release.
  • しぬ じかん わない / No time to die (Shinu jikan wanai) - I didn't really want a track in the Hallisian language, so I made this one in Bahaso instead. Then I left the wrong prompt in the description. So this track isn't anything like what I imagined, but it was catchy as hell, so I used it.
  • ぺちる (Petir) - Suno is quite awful at mixing male and female vocals. For some reasons, I got this track for exactly the song with a female guest vocalist. Luck...
  • Masrah Surit - Probably may favourite track. Pulled some existing lyrics through a translator and BAM there it was. Don't change a thing... Thank you, Yuffie. BTW Yuffie is the person I have based Murasaki on, the Guso religious leader of the Kakuri chapter. She's one of my all time favourite artists and a really warm and funny person off stage.
  • べるぷら-ぷら (Berpura-pura) - Some of you know how Suno tends to work, it produces two tracks. This one has the exact same lyrics as Masrah Surit, but even with the exact same prompts I got two completely different songs. This version was too good to be wasted, so I found a suitable track for it. Then it was too late when I noticed both songs ended up back to back on the CD album. On cassette or vinyl, you'd have to change sides. But still. Anyway, if I woyuldn't have said so here, no one would have noticed, right?
  • З присмаком кров (Flavour of blood) - Second to last track I had fabricated. I suddenly thought, it's the early 90's so we need a generic 90's grunge song. So yes, I used that BoJack Horseman joke and combined it with Mudhoney's "Overblown", which is an anti-grunge song. Then I needed to squeeze in the song title, so I came up with the idea of the track being so generic that it makes the vocalist throw up a bit inside, with a slight taste of blood. And then shoved everything into Google Translate. Turned out great. Have it on my regular playlist now.
  • Thaalaí bee hólooh - The whole idea of rock music coming from Altaia originally started when making this song. I wanted a southern rock track just for the sake of variation. Then I thought "southern... rock... LOL" because Sokoku is the southernmost one can get in Altaia. The lyrics were hell to write, since there are no reliable Navajo translators available, only word for word, often with 15 synonyms and hardly any grammar. So I just tried to find some standing expressions. It seems that most translators only have been fed with the Bible...
  • Ispilua urratua - I wanted to create an up tempo pop song about a melancholic, even depressing song text. I almost forgot the song title that I just randomly pulled out of the hat months ago. If you know a bit of Dutch pop history from the early 1990's, the (translated) text might sound familiar. Yes, it's from The Scene and written by Thé Lau who passed away a couple of years ago. He needs songwriting credits for this song. The band picture is actually Ice Cream Never Ground (the girl is the guitarist, not the vocalist...) a band going viral on TikTok at this moment but I loved that track when they released it 6-7 years ago already.
  • Helreich - It all started with this one, which made it the most complicated one to create. It's heavily influenced by Rammstein's "Deutschland", both in lyrics and style. Because that's what I imagined when I described the song and its role in the series. They definitely need songwriting credits for this one LOL. I just tried to add some happy "99 luftballons" kinda feeling to it. The spoken word part was pivotal, since it was clearly mentioned in Tenji Sa Reta's wiki page. Turned put to be difficult to get it half decent.
  • B.I.D.'s song is actually a failed attempt at producing a modern, 77th century national anthem. Re-use, re-cycle, be kind to the planet.
  • ο κλώνος του sindre (O klónos tou sindre) - Also an existing track (in Kakuri...) from what I imagined to be a Guso group. Just using what I'm finding.
  • Agerpan tena - Another pretty inaccessible track in black metal. Had Snaider produce the lyrics based on an outline in English.
  • Principa discordia - also an existing track from an Italian (...) idol group with (at that time) a Chinese member providing some spoken word. Too good not to use... I have now written in ERIS as a local Guso denomination on Tanah Ek, where they use Auresian. Should probably have put them on Aspasia / Nelyasyat, but TanahEk has so little character...

In general, finding band pics was pretty difficult. AI is rubbish at this. Using ethnically correct (so Indonesian) stuff is difficult since alt rock has a very polished, well produced image in Sokoku, while rock music in southeast Asia pretty much is an underground thing. So avoiding crappy pics in rehearsal rooms, in front of graffiti walls or on derelict industrial estates was quite difficult. J had to go to Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam (!), Philippines, Korea and Japan to find useful stuff that wasn't immediately identifiable and high end.

The Reverend Wayhand (talk) 11:16, 9 February 2025 (CST)