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History of Negasi

This article is a work in progress. Some considerations:
  • Consider how Ithrien comes into play
  • Refine colonial period

Early history

Four Councils period

Colonial period

Building the Ubani Canal (7564)

The region was colonized by Auresia in the early 7400s, with the first records of the South Tharnan colony dating from October 5, 7407.

During the colonial period, the Ubani Canal was built. Construction began in 7563 and the canal opened to ship traffic on December 15, 7607 after some delays during the Wolgos Scourge.

Contemporary period

Rising anti-colonialism globally after the turn of the 77th century led to a rise in Negasi nationalism in the 7600s. The formation of the Open Seas Security Organization (OSSO), with its purpose of fostering maritime trade, after the First Coalition War (7632-7634) underscored the importance of the canal for shipping and as a national resource. A general strike occurred across much of Negasi beginning on November 16, 7633. Among other effects, the strike shut down canal operations, preventing ship transit between the Ovestan and Phasian Oceans. The strike led to Auresia granting Negasi its independence on January 30, 7634 in exchange for the restarting of canal operations and a promise to keep the canal open.

In 7672, Negasi expropriated the Ubani Canal from its foreign, private owners and nationalized it, placing it under the jurisdiction of the Ubani Canal Operations Commission, a government corporation.