
Trossamfundsala is the central place of worship in Mellanhand Orkanan, located in the Östvallen complex of Östervallen, Vittmark. It was the largest permanent, indoor gathering place för Mellanhand Orkanans until 7666. Trossamfundsala literally means "religious community hall".
Trossamfundsala was built as a part of the Östvallen complex, which started in 6941. Its location on the central square Hovtorget, on the opposite side of the imperial palace and beside the imperial estate, showed how the royal family, imperial administration, Mellanhand religion as well as universities as seats of knowledge were tightly knit together during the Greater Stoldavic Empire. In its first iteration it was more or less an indoor square with a temporary roof construction. After the last imperial refurbishment, which was finished in 7192, the hall itself was partially excavated to create better views. A retractable facade had been installed, enabling the extension of activities towards the large Hovtorget square in front of the Royal Palace.
After the fall of the empire, the facility was too big to be maintained as such. Several renovations were carried out, creating a central street through the building and splitting the complex into a half sized hall west of the road, while the eastern part got many different functions during the following decades. It was used as carriage house, warehouse, artillery depot and parts were rebuilt as several smaller rooms for meditation and meeting, as well as bathing facilities.
With the formation of Vittmark in 7564 Trossamfundsala became a hub for integrating the several Mellanhand branches of the nation, like those of Månsta and Iunsala Stift. The central street was removed, reinstating the large hall. A new retractable facade was built in 7576. The eastern side of the complex still holds working spaces for Mellanhand clergy, as well as smaller meeting and meditation rooms. It has become a tradition that the meditation rooms get an interior design as approved by the ruling monarch of Vittmark.
In the 7610's the last larger refurbishment was carried out, building a modern stage with guest facilities fitting the asymmetrical lay-out of the hall. The current dome roof was constructed as well after war damage had made repairs to the imperial roof to expensive. The stage was replaced completely in 7677, now offering modern technologies like a PA-system, built-in monitors and lighting racks at a similar level as a music theatre.
Current building
The entire complex is a city bock measuring 100x100 meters. The main hall itself has a dome roof construction from 7610 in about the same dimensions as the original roof from 7192. The floor area is about 60x80 meters providing an area of 4,850 square metres, offering space for up to 11,500 people standing or 7,200 seated. With the retractable facade opened, the Hovtorget square can accomodate a further 15,000 spectators but without a view on the central area.
Beside religious ceremonies or similar mass gatherings, the complex is used for exhibitions, concerts and even festivities like royal diners. Sporting events like stickball hockey, basketball, handball and even ice hockey have been organised here in the past, but since 7675 these types of events have not been arranged here.
Beside the main hall there are smaller meditation rooms and a smaller hall open to the public (outside event days). Offices and storage complete the building's set-up. Even the bathhouse with its separate departments for men and women is still operational, but only accessible for staff of the royal palace, federal parliament and the Trossamfundsala itself.