State enterprises of Arvor

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The state enterprises of Arvor (Arvorian: государственные предприятия Арвора) are a collection of commercial entities in Arvor that have been nationalised by the People's Government. These enterprises are designed to maintain and protect key critical industrial and economic assets, and to provide specific products and services to citizens at a lower price. Such enterprises are owned by the nation, and as such are not available for the investment or purchase of any outside entity. Additionally, their earnings bring in extra funding for various programmes and services that allows the government to keep taxation stable. Some of these firms have garnered a worldwide reputation and are considered representative of the consumer socialist economy of the republic. Any state enterprise is identified by the initials "ГП" (GP) in front of their name, which itself is an abbreviation for state enterprise (государственное предприятие, better known by its contraction, "Gospred").

While state enterprises, like private co-operatives, function on the Pomelova Model, the co-ordinating directors are formally affirmed to their term in office by the Congress of People's Deputies.

As of 1.1.7690 RH, the ADR operates the following enterprises:


GP Arvostal (ГП Арвосталь) is the national steel production conglomerate of the ADR. It is an integrated organisation which carries out all steps of steelmaking: from smelting iron ore to rolled product as well as the production of semi-finished casting products made from molten iron and scrap material as well as fully finished products. It is a leading manufacturer in high-quality steel and steel products and sells them both domestically and worldwide. The firm's name is a contraction of the Arvorian words Arvorianskaya stal (Арворианская сталь, Arvorian steel).


The Public Investment Association (Ассоциация государственных инвестиций, Аги or AGI) is a sovereign wealth fund maintained through the government that selectively invests surplus funds and citizen investment into various international projects and programmes. These returns on these investments, combined with a portion of funds set aside from select other state enterprises, collectively comprise one of the world's largest such funds: as of 1.1.7690 RH, its holds approximately ₽511 billion in assets.


GP Biodizprom (ГП Биодизпром) is one of the best-known of the state enterprises of the ADR, and a leading entity in the biodiesel market. It is a vertically integrated organisation, involved in the production, refining, transport, and distribution of biodiesel to the nation's markets. In 7689 RH, the firm produced TBD percent of the global output of biodiesel. The firm's name is a contraction of the Arvorian words biodizel'naya promyshlennost (биодизельная промышленность, biodiesel industry).


The Information Telegraph Organisation of Arvor (Информационная телеграфная организация Арвора, ГП ИтоА or GP ITOA) is the national public broadcasting service of the ADR and is among the world's oldest broadcasters. It provides the full range of radio and telescreen programmes to the citizenry, from domestic and international news to game shows, educational shows, and sports. The organisation also broadcasts its news programmes internationally.


The United Shipbuilding Association (Объединенная Судостроительная Ассоциация, ГП ОСА or GP OSA) is the industrial conglomerate responsible for the production of the combat and support ships used by the Arvorian Navy. It operates nine shipyards across the nation. Its primary production lines are not available for foreign sale, but it does manufacture specific models that are sold to friendly and allied states.