Lago Ashlee

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Lago Ashlee is a rural municipality in the mountainous regions of the state of Shaaniaah, part of Sokoku. It is mainly known for having switched from Tsida Altse to Sokoku as late as 7654, although this change of allegiance has not been recognized by the International Council of Nations (ICoN). The administrative situation is tolerated by most nations under the condition that no military will be stationed here, As a result, the inhabitants of Lago Ashlee don't have to serve in the military.

The transition of Lago Ashlee

Sokoku regards entire Tsida Altse an integral part of the state of Shaaniaah and never has recognized its independence. It isn't accepting the Altseian citizenship either, but residents from the region are free to relocate to Shaaniaah, as long as they can proof their heritage by birth certificates. In return, Tsida Altse accepted Sokokan residents from Shaaniaah as political refugees.

However, Shaaniaah quickly industrialized and urbanized after becoming a part of Sokoku. The relatively small immigration of Altseians hardly affected the demographics of the region, it was almost insignificant to the influx from other Sokokan regions. This wasn't the case in Tsida Altse, which largely remained depending on forestry, agriculture and related industries to these sectors. It hardly saw any migration beside the incoming southerners. Many of these immigrants settled in the county of Lago Ashlee where they formed their own community and became locally politically active. The local Yozons Party showed a centrist profile focusing on issues surrounding small business owners and the poorer sections of the local community. The party became more popular after a series of corruption scandals in this and neighbouring counties, with Yozons trying to limit the reach of free market economics.

After the county elections of 7653 Yozons gained an absolute majority in the county council. Within weeks, it started cutting ties with central government who they accused of corruption and nepotism, presenting a more nationalist and secessionist agenda. After two months, the council decided to secede from Tsidi Altse. Since the constitution of the nation did not have any clear procedures for this, the move could not be declared unconstitutional, but removing local politicians from their elected positions cleary was. Local militias started driving out the military after taking over their light weaponry. One month later, the seceded county applied for inclusion in the state of Shaaniaah after having organised a plebiscite among the residents of the area. With central government accusing the secessionists of not having the mandate for such a referendum and having manipulated the outcome, it did not accept the result. But Sokokan police entered the territory the very next day.

Mediation by ICoN resulted in a stand-off, where Sokokan military would refrain from entering the county and letting the local police force take care of law enforcement and overseeing the new demarcation line, while Tsida Altse agreed not to respond by military force. Tsida Altse however banned Yozons Party and put remaining immigrants from Sokoku under strict surveillance. But a large part had used their Altseain citizenship to relocate to Halland and other nations within the Thultannian Union.