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Endowed father of the bind
Whrosklow Ghruxhuor
Personal details
Born: 02.04.7524
Nalegh, New Xedun, Dhownolgos
Died: 10.10.7604
Skous, The Bind
Alma mater: Kinuntdun Hlrike academy
Occupation: Leader of the Bind
Spouse: N/A
Children: Unknown
Notoriety Details
Member of: Hlrike Command
In office
15.02.7556 - 10.10.7604
Notable works:

Whrosklow Ghruxhuor


Early years

Whrosklow Ghruxhuor was born in the town of Nalegh, nestled in the picturesque Surom Highlands, which is now part of the South Expansion State. His mother, Vhaxhe Ghruxhuor, a young and strong Wolgos female, who hailed from the Surom forests and lived a pack-less life until Whrosklow turned two. At that point, she found a husband, a Bhundhro Beta, and Whrosklow became his property, stepping into the role of the pack's nopachwienas runt, as his stepfather already had children of his own. As was the norm in the old empire era, Whrosklow's childhood was devoid of luxuries, and he had no access to formal schooling. Instead, he was required to work tirelessly in the pack's log yard as a lumberjack, splitting wood for sale.

Despite the challenging circumstances, Whrosklow displayed an innate thirst for knowledge and managed to learn to read and write at the tender age of five, albeit in a rudimentary manner, thanks to the lumber traders he interacted with. His journey took a turn when, at the age of seven, his tall and strong physique set him apart from many of his siblings. Nonetheless, his position within the pack grew increasingly strained, especially after the tragic death of his mother during the birth of his fourth blood sibling. The subsequent harsh treatment and alienation from his pack led to his eventual expulsion due to his reactionary behavior. From that point on, Whrosklow spent the following years wandering, working alongside roaming loggers, felling trees to make ends meet.

Hlrike recruitment

Everything changed when, at the age of seventeen, he returned to the city of Kinuntdun with his fellow roaming loggers to sell lumber and participate in the festivities of mating week. It was during this time that fate interceded. He encountered a Hlrike recruiting party and, drawn by the allure of a of their festivities, he joined them without hesitation. When he woke up the following morning, he found himself being transported along with others to a Hlrike broch as a newly minted recruit.

Life at the Hlrike academy proved to be grueling and competitive. Daily physical training and endurance tests were the norm, even for those who aspired to become Hlrike farmers or support staff. Whrosklow, however, stood out due to his tall, strong frame, and sharp intellect, positioning him to become a knight or a squire. His instructors were impressed not only by his physical prowess but also by his exemplary personality. While tough, competitive, and ruthless with his fellow trainees, he displayed a keen affinity for aggression and even revealed a sadistic streak toward weaker recruits.

During his time at the Hlrike academy, Whrosklow experienced a pivotal moment—the first kill of his life. It happened during a team endurance exercise in the Surom forests, deep in the throes of winter. As the freezing and hungry team sought shelter, a slower and less fit recruit held them back, stumbling frequently due to overwhelming hunger. Despite the team's attempts to encourage him, Whrosklow's frustration reached a boiling point. Exhausted and upset, he lost control and struck the weaker recruit with furious blows until the recruit succumbed.

Pan anarian war service

In the year xxxx, Whrosklow embarked on a journey from the colony of New Xedun as part of a contingent destined for Stoldavia. Their mission was to serve as an assisting peacekeeping force in the occupied region. Whrosklow's participation in quelling civilian unrest was commendable but largely unremarkable, until the fateful events of xxxx. When he ordered the public execution of suspected resistance fighters, the suspects were publicly lynched and disembowelled.

He was arrested by the horrified Hellish command overseeing the occupation and publicly lashed in the town square, with the hopes of quelling civilian outrage, the Hellish did not bow to pressure to execute him as demanded by the townspeople who sought justice for the heinous act because the Wolgos forces in the region were too numerous and could have revolted.

As the political landscape shifted with Helreich's renouncement of their alliance with Dhownolgos, the peacekeeping forces transformed into an occupation force. They successfully wrested large swaths of Stoldavia from Hellish control, and Whrosklow's unwavering dedication led to his successive promotions.

At the age of 24, after the repulse of the Dolmer uprising led by the petty emperor of Morenburg, Whrosklow reached the equivalent rank of a lieutenant. The uprising, seeking to liberate Morenburg from its oppressors, culminated in a month-long siege in the town of [Place name] where a crucial turning point occurred. Amidst the turmoil, a Dolmer uprising led by the petty emperor of Morenburg threatened Wolgos control over the region.

Whrosklow played a pivotal role in breaking the siege, ultimately capturing the emperor and the remaining members of the royal family. As a reward for his success, Whrosklow was granted the honor of executing the defiant emperor and of the royal family. The royal family was executed by crushing their skulls with sledge hammers, Whrosklow was given the honour of the emperors execution, whrosklow executed the emperor by sitting on his back and lifting his lead to allow him his subjects to look upon him as whrosklow used his dagger to carve and consume strips of flesh from the emperor’s head, the death was of the emperor was long and agonizing. After the emperor’s death, whrosklow hacked off his head and lifted it to the roars of his troops, who then proceeded open fire on the towns people.

While the execution was a brutal affair, it brought Whrosklow immense notoriety throughout the Wolgos empire. He became both revered among his own people and feared in the occupied territories, while earning scorn of Anarians. In the aftermath, Whrosklow held onto the emperor's skull and crown, crafting a formidable trophy that symbolized his rise to power. This gruesome keepsake was displayed in a hall adorned with other skulls of townspeople. A grim reminder of his journey to prominence and the trials he endured.

Returning to Altaia and the Hlrike Uprising

After a series of triumphant victories followed by devastating defeats in Anaria, Whrosklow found himself leading the evacuation of Dhownolgos forces. With the tide turned against them, the Wolgos had lost all of their Anarian gains. Years of coordinating the evacuation led Whrosklow and his remaining troops to retreat to Altaia.

In the year xxxx, a momentous event unfolded as the Hlrike generals, led by Whrosklow, rose against the Whorleda. Exhausted by years of mismanagement, the Hlrike sought to reclaim control of the recovery of the Wolgos nation. Through strategic attacks on the Whorleda's monasteries, the defenseless monks scattered in desperation, some fleeing southward, hoping to find refuge in the new kingdoms.

As the chaos unfolded, Whrosklow reached out to the fleeing monks, offering them safety under certain conditions. The monks accepted the compromise, agreeing to rule the souls of the Wolgos while relinquishing control of their bodies, minds, and lands. Slowly, the scattered monks emerged from hiding.

With newfound control over New Xedun, Whrosklow embarked on improving civilian conditions by launching the Nuss expansion into virgin lands. He skillfully integrated the new kingdoms and prosperity colonies without resorting to warfare, and subdued the Shriaav of the east. Whrosklow's political prowess was further strengthened through a shrewd use of propaganda, presenting the Hlrike as a formidable military force, despite its actual state of exhaustion.

Whrosklow's reputation as a brutal and unyielding conqueror solidified his authority. He purged the Hlrike of dissident knights and quelled any doubts within its military and support forces. Although the Hlrike remained mostly united, dissenting voices that supported the Whloerra were swiftly silenced. Public displays of power, such as executions, further established Whrosklow's dominance.

As he consolidated his power, Whrosklow's rule began to shape the fate of Altaia and the Wolgos nation.

Ascension to the leadership of the Bind

The final act that solidified Whrosklow's rule and transformed the Wolgos world was the official formation of the Bind on the 15th of xxxx, 7556. With great fanfare, new flags and symbols replaced the old throughout the empire, and the unveiling of the new laws and the gradual abolition of formal taxes were met with overwhelming approval from the population.

By creating a clear distinction between the old empire and the new empire, Whrosklow aimed to improve foreign relations and foster greater opportunities for trade with neighboring lands. The formation of the Bind also marked a crucial phase of negotiations with the monks, leading to a significant decree issued by Whrosklow: the creation of the Reformed Faith.

This decree transformed the monks into preachers, granting them newfound privileges, such as the right to form families and the restoration of temples and monasteries as preacher and deacon seminaries. The majority of monks accepted the decree and embraced their new roles, heralding a new era of spirituality in the empire.

However, a small faction of monks refused to renounce the Vlroika's authority, fearing harsh consequences from Whrosklow. Surprisingly, he spared their lives on the condition that they relinquish their claims to rule the empire, allowing him to vet future Vlroika candidates. In an unexpected turn, the Vlroika disappeared briefly, only to return under mysterious circumstances.

To the horror of the defiant monks, the Vlroika was alive but drastically changed. His head had been shaved, and a golden and intricately decorated pick was firmly embedded into his skull. Whrosklow explained in a letter that henceforth, the Vlroika and all future Vlroika would serve Dlrocha and the Wolgos in eternal meditation only, their influence over the empire and its affairs effectively brought to an end.

With the establishment of the Bind and the reformation of the monks, Whrosklow solidified his position as the supreme leader of the Wolgos. His vision for the empire was unfolding, with far-reaching implications for its people, religion, and future. The transformation was complete, and the empire stood poised for a new era under the unyielding rule of Whrosklow.

Rule of the Bind

Death, succesion and collapse of the Bind