====== Shuuen ====== **Shuuen** is a founding member state of [[:sokoku|Sokoku]], as such a continuation of a former colony of [[:helreich|Helreich]] under the name of Schangtienrand. Due to its relatively central position within Sokoku and history as founding member state of the federative republic, Sokoku's capital [[:kyusigai|Kyusigai]] is located here. The state consists of a main island with the same name and several dozens of smaller islands surrounding it. However, the island group of Askers north of Shuuen is part of the state of [[:mirei|Mirei]] instead. Culturally speaking, Shuuen belongs more to the realm of [[:radhria|Radhria]] ([[:nelyasyat_and_ayatawantin|Nelyasyat and Ayatawanti]]) sharing a [[:hueiwei|Hueiwei]] ethnicity and local languages belonging to the Bawanesi language family, apart from the northern coast where Izto cultures related to the Altaian mainland are dominant. {{tag>[sokoku]}}