====== Ithrien ====== ^ Righteous Empire of Ithrien ^| | الرئاسة الراشدين الإيثرين \\ //ar-Riʾāsa ar-Rāshidūn al-Ītharīn // || |{{:ithrien_flag.png?nolink&200x93}} |{{:ithrien_seal.png?nolink&100x100}} | | **Motto: ** \\ أرث يرفعنا أرث ملاذنا \\ //[[:aroth_yarfauna_aroth_maladhana|Aroth Yarfaʿūna, Aroth Maladhana]]// \\ The Lord Raiseth Us, the Lord is our Refuge || | **Anthem:** \\ XXX \\ //Invocation to the Fire// || | **Locator map** || | {{:anaria-small.png?nolink&300}} || |**Capital city** |[[:dahab|Dahab]] | |Largest city |[[:el-naim|El-Naim]] | |Official language |Standard Ithrieni | |Other languages |Jaziri, Mahari, Hambari | |Ethnic groups |Teremani | |Religion |Anur (Official) | |Demonym(s) |Ithranean, Ithrieni | ^ Government ^| |[[:sample_nation_gov|government]] |Theocratic constitutional \\ monarchy | |Audh |Mahalqila XI | |Yadul Yamin |Nur Habibularuz | |Vizier |Yusuf Azizaruz | |**Legislature** |//Majlis ash-Shura// | |**Establishment** \\ Lighting of the Basra |Foundation of Empire \\ ??? | ^ Area ^| |Total |0,000,000 km2 | |Water % |0.0% | ^ Population ^| |Total |0,000,000 | |Density |0.0/km2 | ^ Economy ^| |Economy type |Post-mercantile, market \\ capitalist | |GDP (total) |$ 0,000,000,000 | |GDP per capita |$ 0,000 | |Currency |[[:lakhma|Larham]] | |Inequality index |0.0 | |Development index |0.0 | ^ Other information ^| |Time zone |0 | |Driving side |//variable// | |Calling code |+06 | **Ithrien** [iːθrɪɛn], officially the **Righteous Empire of Ithrien** (Ithrieni: الرئاسة الصالحين الإيثرين, //ar-Riʾāsa aṣ-Ṣāliḥin al-Ītharīn//) is a Great Power and constitutional theocracy located in western, equatorial [[:tharna|Tharna]]. It comprises mainly of the metropolitan [[:jawhara_archipelago|Jawhara isles]] of [[:ittariya|Ittariya]], [[:azraq|Azraq]] and [[:ashum|Ashum]], and various holdings in the southern [[:phasian_ocean|Phasian Ocean]], most importantly [[:nafurah_baragayah|Nafurah Baragayah]] in [[:tzeraka|Tzeraka]]. It shares nautical proximity with maritime proximity with 63, 64, 65, 52, 53, 54, [[:hergom_ep_swekorwos|Hergom ep Swekorwos]], 101 and 104. It is also the birthplace of and center of Anur, a world religion and the state creed; its capital, [[:dahab|Dahab]], is among the holiest cities in the world. The Jawhara islands were known for spices since antiquity, making it a constant subject of foreign invasions. The constant threat of conquest by mainland Tharna became a major factor in the religious unification of the islands in 6211 RH, defined by the [[:ishar_an-nur|lighting of the fire]] in the [[:temple_of_basra|Temple of Basra]]. Perhaps guided by newfound faith and confidence, a golden age of conquest and cultural-scientific sophistication developed, making Ithrien a hegemon of the Phasian Ocean on various points in its history. Its latest hegemony began in the the early 72nd century RH; where it took advantage of the [[:western_industrial_revolution|western industrial revolution]] and colonized portions of [[:raia|Raia]], Tzeraka and [[:davai|Davai]]. With the cascading effects of the [[:pan-anarian_war|Pan-Anarian War]] and the conclusion of the [[:wolgos_scourge|Wolgos Scourge]], Ithrien's colonial empire collapsed, either from the spectre of the Wolgos conquests in [[:kupeya|Kupeya]] and the opportunism of other powers in the Phasian. At present, containing Hergom and reestablishing its influence in Tharna is the empire's primary priority, propped up by allies in XXX and XXX. ===== Government and Politics ===== Ithrien is officially a [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/constitutional_monarchy|constitutional]] [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/theocratic|theocratic]] [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/monarchy|monarchy]]. Its head of state is the semi-divine and priestly [[:audh|Audh ]](عوض) , currently the young [[:munawari_xi_audh_of_ithrien|Mahallqila XI al-Munawari]]. The [[:constitution_of_ithrien|Constitution of Ithrien]] (القانون, //al-qanun//, lit. "The Law") is the supreme secular authority of the country which guarantees the rights and privileges of Ithrieni citizens, the checks on the Audh's powers, electoral rules and the "correct application of justice". Day-to-day legislation is held by the unicameral //[[:assembly_of_consultation_ithrien|Majlis ash-Shura]]// (مجلس الشورى); constituted by democratically-elected representatives representing the Empire's various [[:commandery_ithrien|commanderies]]. While political parties in the Anarian sense do not exist in Ithrieni democracy, particular [[:ithrieni_political_factions|factions]] ( أقطاب الرأي, //aqtabura'yy//) jockey in specific matters of running the state. The populist //[[:kingfishers_ithrien|Rafrafiyatun]]//are considered to be the majority opinion since 7594, taking over the conservative [[:ma_bad_anur|Ma'bad Anur]]in since the retirement of the last Audh [[:al-aziz_iii_audh_of_ithrien|Aziz III an-Najmulahmar]]. ==== The Audhdom and the Majlis ==== The [[:audh|Audh]], the Ithrieni monarch, is both the head of state and government. He is free to determine domestic and foreign policies assisted by the [[:vizier_of_ithrien|Vizier]] and the [[:yadul_yamin|Yadul Yamin]] (lit. "Right Hand"), while formally heading the church of orthodox Anur. The Vizier of Ithrien is elected by the members of the //[[:assembly_of_consultation_ithrien|Majlis ash-Shura]]//, who is almost always the chair of the ruling party. [[:yusuf_azizarut|Yusuf Azizarut]] of the //Rafrafiyatun// is the current Vizier since 7594. The Yadul Yamin is the formal deputy of the Audh; the second-highest religious authority in orthodox [[:anur|Anur]], heading not only temple and priestly administration, but also supervises the various social programs that the Anuric church provides. In concert, the Audh, Vizier and Yadul Yamin head an cabinet of ministers heading particular sectors of statesmanship. The number of ministers tend to fluctuate depending on the immediate priorities of the Audh and the Vizier. The //Majlis ash-Shura// constitutes Ithrien's formal legislature. The Empire has always maintained a deliberating body since the foundation of the aristocratic //[[:majlis_al-ayan|Majlis al-Ayan]]//in 6239, which was replaced by the present body in 7017. Being the paramount secular authority in the country, the Majlis officially holds supremacy over all state industries, divided between "economic councils". Like its Anarian counterparts, the Majlis proposes, deliberates and passes bills into law, which would only be approved to effect by the Audh by their [[:seal_of_ithrien|seal]]. The body is also responsible for approving on the national expenditures budget throughout their 4-year tenure, renewable only once. Constitutional amendments are possible through an overwhelming 5-1 majority vote in the Majlis. ==== Local government ==== Ithrien is divided into provinces, each headed by a chief minister and assisted by a local cabinet of ministers to manage provincial affairs. [[:commandery_ithrien|Commanderies]] elect local representatives to seat on the provincial assemblies that decide on local legislation and policies. Provincial power is further devolved with the commanderies which also manage local affairs through town halls and their councillors. Metropolitan municipalities are equivalent of commanderies though they are immediately managed by city halls and their members of chambers. ==== Law and judiciary ==== ==== Foreign relations ==== ==== Military ==== ==== Military ==== ==== Foreign Relations ==== ===== Economy ===== ===== Culture ===== {{tag>[Country] [ithrien]}}