Media in Arvor
Media in Arvor refers to newspapers, broadcasting, and other media available in Arvor.
Since the days of the Commonwealth, the nation has maintained a time-honoured tradition of providing up-to-date, accurate news, predicated on the belief that the responsibility of the press is to share the news without bias or favour, and let the people draw their own conclusions. Freedom of the press and its ability to report the news, without help or hindrance from sources public or private, is one of the inviolable rights of the people in the Common Charter. The republic has numerous newspaper services currently operating. Among these, the most prominent are:
Daily broadsheets
The four largest newspapers in the ADR, all considered newspapers of record,
- Скажи! (Do Tell!') - domestic, national, and international news, opinion pieces, investigative reports, and reviews
- Утренняя звезда (Morning Star)
- Ежедневный вестник (Daily Herald)
- Национальный телеграф (National Telegraph)
- Specialist broadsheets
- Арворианский рабочий (Arvorian Worker)
- Ежедневные новости (Daily News)
- Эхо (The Echo)
- Popular tabloids
- Ежедневная хроника (Daily Chronicle)
- Независимый (The Independent)
- Исследователь (The Inquirer)
- Наблюдатель (The Observer)