Categories of motorised vehicles in Sokoku

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The categories of motorised vehicles in Sokoku is a basis for regulation of access, driver's licenses and insurance premiums. Sokoku has strictly regulated through categorisation, being able to carry out tenders for orders for these vehicles, as well as for import of foreign produced vehicles. These production tenders are a prime example of the planned character of Sokokan economy.

The same classification is also used on the consumer side, where not all prospective buyers will be eligible all types of vehicles. A buyer will also have to prove that they have a parking spot at their residence for the vehicle. It also regulates which type of driver's license is required to operate such a vehicle.

The different vehicle types are also a basis for infrastructure and urban planning. This means that Sokokan cities are not easily accessible for trucks, lorries and buses. This element has been taken from a Vittmarker example, in this case the city of Månsta that only designated some public roads for motorised vehicles.

Main categories

The main vehicle categories are motor cycles (sepeda), motor cars (mobil) and lorries & buses (kendaraan). These correspond with the driver's license categories A, B and C/D. The defined border between cars on one side and lorries on the other is defined by total weight, with cars maxing out at 3500 kgs. The border between motorcycles and cars is defined by the vehicle's empty weight at 625 kgs.

Almost all vehicle categories come in a passenger version (passenger cars, buses) and cargo version (cargo mopeds, vans, trucks, lorries). The passenger versions also have a limit in the number of passengers that can be transported within their category. A cycle car can have 1-2 passengers, a min car 3, a passenger car up to 6 and mini buses up to 8.

Vehicle height is defined as 4.49 m for trucks and buses, for cars it's 2.00 m or large cars 2,49 m (mini bus) or 2,99 m (mini van). Vehicle width for cars is including mirrors, while the width for buses and trucks and lorries is without mirrors.


Within these categories there are different types of border between the categories. Within motor cycles it is mainly output effect and maximum speed. Bikes, trikes and quads without bodywork require the driver and passenger to wear a helmet. Trikes and quads with bodywork are usually referred to as cycle cars or motorcars, but based on their weight, size, motor output and maximum speed these are categorised in the S category.

Cars are mainly categorised further by size with limits of 349 cm, 469 cm and 689 cm car length. The same applies for lorries and buses at 10, 12, 15, 18 and 25 meters. The latter two are always compound vehicles, with the maximum size of a single vehicular unit being 15.49 meters.

Because of the speed limits on roads outside built-up areas, all vehicle categories have an upper limit in speed. There simply is no reason for a lorry to be able to drive faster than 90 kph if the speed limit is 80 kph. Similar for cars and heavymotorbikes, those all have a limiter at 130 kph.

Table overview

Code Category Translation lic. veh.




length width #wheels power




SD25 sepeda dorong v25 moped cl.2 AM 270 249 cm 2-4 4kW 25kph
SM25 mobil sepeda v25 AM 425 249 cm 145 cm 3-4 6kW 25kph
SD45 sepeda dorong v45 moped cl.1 A 270 249 cm 2-4 11kW 45kph
SM45 mobil sepeda v45 moped car A 425 249 cm 145 cm 3-4 11kW 45kph
SX motor ringan light mc A2 270 249 cm 2-4 11kW 130kph
SD99 sepeda motor v99 motorcycle A2 450 249 cm 2-3 15kW 130kph
SM99 mobil sepeda v99 cyclecar A2 625 349 cm 145 cm 3-4 35kW 130kph
KP30 kendaraan perlengkapan eq. vehicle A2 3500 3-6 30kph
MR mobil ringan light car B 925 349 cm 145 cm 3-4 45kW 130kph
MS mobil sedang car B 3500 469 cm

(499 cm)

200 cm 4 130kph
MT mobil besar large car B2 3500 689 cm 200 cm 4 130kph
KB10 kendaraan berat L10 lorry/bus C/D 18000 1049 cm 250 cm 4-6 90kph
KB12 kendaraan berat L12 lorry/bus C/D 18000 1249 cm 250 cm 4-8 90kph
KB15 kendaraan berat L15 lorry/bus C/D 28000 1549 cm 250 cm 6-8 90kph
KL18 kereta L18 combo 18m C/D 54000 1849 cm 250 cm 6-12 90kph
KL25 kereta L25 combo 25m C2/D2 54000 2549 cm 250 cm 6-12 90kph
KA60 kendaraan alat berat heavy eq. veh. C/D 54000 1549 cm 275 cm 60kph

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